Miquel Aguirre Font
Miquel Aguirre Font
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Affiliated Scientist at CIMNE
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A first order hyperbolic framework for large strain computational solid dynamics. Part I: Total Lagrangian isothermal elasticity
J Bonet, AJ Gil, CH Lee, M Aguirre, R Ortigosa
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283, 689-732, 2015
A vertex centred finite volume Jameson–Schmidt–Turkel (JST) algorithm for a mixed conservation formulation in solid dynamics
M Aguirre, AJ Gil, J Bonet, AA Carreno
Journal of Computational Physics 259, 672-699, 2014
A stabilised Petrov–Galerkin formulation for linear tetrahedral elements in compressible, nearly incompressible and truly incompressible fast dynamics
AJ Gil, CH Lee, J Bonet, M Aguirre
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 276, 659-690, 2014
CRIMSON: An open-source software framework for cardiovascular integrated modelling and simulation
CJ Arthurs, R Khlebnikov, A Melville, M Marčan, A Gomez, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (5), e1008881, 2021
An upwind vertex centred finite volume solver for Lagrangian solid dynamics
M Aguirre, AJ Gil, J Bonet, CH Lee
Journal of Computational Physics 300, 387-422, 2015
A nonlinear rotation-free shell formulation with prestressing for vascular biomechanics
N Nama, M Aguirre, JD Humphrey, CA Figueroa
Scientific reports 10 (1), 17528, 2020
An implicit 3D corotational formulation for frictional contact dynamics of beams against rigid surfaces using discrete signed distance fields
M Aguirre, S Avril
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 371, 113275, 2020
Machine learning and reduced order modelling for the simulation of braided stent deployment
B Bisighini, M Aguirre, ME Biancolini, F Trovalusci, D Perrin, S Avril, ...
Frontiers in physiology 14, 1148540, 2023
EndoBeams. jl: A Julia finite element package for beam-to-surface contact problems in cardiovascular mechanics
B Bisighini, M Aguirre, B Pierrat, D Perrin, S Avril
Advances in Engineering Software 171, 103173, 2022
Effects of fiber material in concrete manufactured with electric arc furnace slag: experimental and numerical study
A Garcia-Llona, V Ortega-Lopez, I Piñero, A Santamaría, M Aguirre
Construction and Building Materials 316, 125553, 2022
Patient-specific computational modelling of endovascular treatment for intracranial aneurysms
B Bisighini, M Aguirre, B Pierrat, S Avril
Brain Multiphysics 5, 100079, 2023
On alternative numerical frameworks for a new conservation law formulation in structural dynamics
D Mukherjee, CH Lee, AJ Gil, J Bonet, M Aguirre
Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, 9-13, 2012
Finite element method for sustainable and resilient structures made with bar and fiber-reinforced EAFS concrete
A Garcia-Llona, I Pinero, V Ortega-López, A Santamaría, M Aguirre
Case Studies in Construction Materials 20, e03032, 2024
A data-driven computational methodology towards a pre-hospital Acute Ischaemic Stroke screening tool using haemodynamics waveforms
A Sen, L Navarro, S Avril, M Aguirre
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 244, 107982, 2024
Physics-Informed Graph Neural Networks to solve 1-D equations of blood flow
A Sen, E Ghajar-Rahimi, M Aguirre, L Navarro, CJ Goergen, S Avril
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 108427, 2024
Effect of foot stato-dynamic disorders on hemodynamics of the lower limb using strain-gauge plethysmography
L Tsimba, D Rastel, E Dechandon, P Vincent, C Micholet, C Chaigneau, ...
Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 11 (6), 1203-1212, 2023
New experimental and numerical insights on cardiovascular biomechanics through in-vivo and ex-vivo methods
E Vignali, E Peña, M Aguirre, S Celi
Frontiers in Physiology 14, 1271692, 2023
Effect of dysmorphic plantar arch on venous hemodynamics of the lower limb
L Tsimba, D Rastel, E Dechandon, P Vincent, C Micholet, C Chaigneau, ...
Phlebology 38 (6), 380-388, 2023
A systematic comparison between Membrane, Shell, and 3D Solid formulations for non-linear vascular biomechanics
N Nama, M Aguirre, R Ortigosa, AJ Gil, JD Humphrey, CA Figueroa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10504, 2023
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