Yanjun Su
Yanjun Su
Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Improved progressive TIN densification filtering algorithm for airborne LiDAR data in forested areas
X Zhao, Q Guo, Y Su, B Xue
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117, 79-91, 2016
Spatial distribution of forest aboveground biomass in China: Estimation through combination of spaceborne lidar, optical imagery, and forest inventory data
Y Su, Q Guo, B Xue, T Hu, O Alvarez, S Tao, J Fang
Remote Sensing of Environment 173, 187-199, 2016
Evaluating the performance of Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 and Pléiades-1 in mapping mangrove extent and species
D Wang, B Wan, P Qiu, Y Su, Q Guo, R Wang, F Sun, X Wu
Remote Sensing 10 (9), 1468, 2018
An integrated UAV-borne lidar system for 3D habitat mapping in three forest ecosystems across China
Q Guo, Y Su, T Hu, X Zhao, F Wu, Y Li, J Liu, L Chen, G Xu, G Lin, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-19, 2017
Mapping Global Forest Aboveground Biomass with Spaceborne LiDAR, Optical Imagery, and Forest Inventory Data
T Hu, Y Su, B Xue, J Liu, X Zhao, J Fang, Q Guo
Remote Sensing 8 (7), 565, 2016
Neural network guided interpolation for mapping canopy height of China's forests by integrating GEDI and ICESat-2 data
X Liu, Y Su, T Hu, Q Yang, B Liu, Y Deng, H Tang, Z Tang, J Fang, Q Guo
Remote Sensing of Environment 269, 112844, 2022
Lidar sheds new light on plant phenomics for plant breeding and management: Recent advances and future prospects
S Jin, X Sun, F Wu, Y Su, Y Li, S Song, K Xu, Q Ma, F Baret, D Jiang, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 171, 202-223, 2021
Estimating aboveground biomass of the mangrove forests on northeast Hainan Island in China using an upscaling method from field plots, UAV-LiDAR data and Sentinel-2 imagery
D Wang, B Wan, J Liu, Y Su, Q Guo, P Qiu, X Wu
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 85, 101986, 2020
Comparison of canopy cover estimations from airborne LiDAR, aerial imagery, and satellite imagery
Q Ma, Y Su, Q Guo
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2017
Deep learning: individual maize segmentation from terrestrial lidar data using faster R-CNN and regional growth algorithms
S Jin, Y Su, S Gao, F Wu, T Hu, J Liu, W Li, D Wang, S Chen, Y Jiang, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 866, 2018
Development and performance evaluation of a very low-cost UAV-LiDAR system for forestry applications
T Hu, X Sun, Y Su, H Guan, Q Sun, M Kelly, Q Guo
Remote Sensing 13 (1), 77, 2020
Stem–leaf segmentation and phenotypic trait extraction of individual maize using terrestrial LiDAR data
S Jin, Y Su, F Wu, S Pang, S Gao, T Hu, J Liu, Q Guo
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (3), 1336-1346, 2018
Evaluating maize phenotype dynamics under drought stress using terrestrial lidar
Y Su, F Wu, Z Ao, S Jin, F Qin, B Liu, S Pang, L Liu, Q Guo
Plant methods 15, 1-16, 2019
Lidar boosts 3D ecological observations and modelings: A review and perspective
Q Guo, Y Su, T Hu, H Guan, S Jin, J Zhang, X Zhao, K Xu, D Wei, M Kelly, ...
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 9 (1), 232-257, 2020
UAV-lidar aids automatic intelligent powerline inspection
H Guan, X Sun, Y Su, T Hu, H Wang, H Wang, C Peng, Q Guo
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 130, 106987, 2021
An updated vegetation map of China (1: 1000000)
Y Su, Q Guo, T Hu, H Guan, S Jin, S An, X Chen, K Guo, Z Hao, Y Hu, ...
Science Bulletin 65 (13), 1125-1136, 2020
Artificial mangrove species mapping using pléiades-1: An evaluation of pixel-based and object-based classifications with selected machine learning algorithms
D Wang, B Wan, P Qiu, Y Su, Q Guo, X Wu
Remote Sensing 10 (2), 294, 2018
A geometric method for wood-leaf separation using terrestrial and simulated lidar data
S Tao, Q Guo, S Xu, Y Su, Y Li, F Wu
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 81 (10), 767-776, 2015
A practical method for SRTM DEM correction over vegetated mountain areas
Y Su, G Qinghua
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 87, 216-228, 2014
Mapping the global mangrove forest aboveground biomass using multisource remote sensing data
T Hu, YY Zhang, Y Su, Y Zheng, G Lin, Q Guo
Remote sensing 12 (10), 1690, 2020
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