Rickard Garvare
Rickard Garvare
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Management for sustainability–a stakeholder theory
R Garvare, P Johansson
Total quality management 21 (7), 737-744, 2010
The support of Quality Management to sustainable development: A literature review
V Siva, I Gremyr, B Bergquist, R Garvare, T Zobel, R Isaksson
Journal of cleaner production 138, 148-157, 2016
Including sustainability in business excellence models
M Asif, C Searcy, R Garvare, N Ahmad
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 22 (7), 773-786, 2011
Giving offspring a healthy start: parents' experiences of health promotion and lifestyle change during pregnancy and early parenthood
K Edvardsson, A Ivarsson, E Eurenius, R Garvare, ME Nyström, R Small, ...
BMC public health 11, 1-13, 2011
Quality management and business excellence, customers and stakeholders: do we agree on what we are talking about, and does it matter?
B Klefsjö, B Bergquist, R Garvare
The TQM journal 20 (2), 120-129, 2008
Sustainable development: extending the scope of business excellence models
R Garvare, R Isaksson
Measuring Business Excellence 5 (3), 11-15, 2001
Measuring sustainable development using process models
R Isaksson, R Garvare
Managerial Auditing Journal 18 (8), 649-656, 2003
The crippled bottom line–measuring and managing sustainability
RB Isaksson, R Garvare, M Johnson
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 64 (3), 334-355, 2015
Exploring quality challenges and the validity of excellence models
H Eriksson, I Gremyr, B Bergquist, R Garvare, A Fundin, H Wiklund, ...
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 36 (10), 1201-1221, 2016
Sustainable practice change: Professionals' experiences with a multisectoral child health promotion programme in Sweden
K Edvardsson, R Garvare, A Ivarsson, E Eurenius, I Mogren, ME Nyström
BMC health services research 11, 1-12, 2011
Organisational performance improvement through quality award process participation
H Eriksson, R Garvare
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 22 (9), 894-912, 2005
From global goals and planetary boundaries to public governance—a framework for prioritizing organizational sustainability activities
H Ranängen, M Cöster, R Isaksson, R Garvare
Sustainability 10 (8), 2741, 2018
Reaching beyond the review of research evidence: a qualitative study of decision making during the development of clinical practice guidelines for disease prevention in healthcare
L Richter Sundberg, R Garvare, ME Nyström
BMC health services research 17, 1-14, 2017
Change and learning strategies in large scale change programs: Describing the variation of strategies used in a health promotion program
ME Nyström, E Höög, R Garvare, L Weinehall, A Ivarsson
Journal of Organizational Change Management 26 (6), 1020-1044, 2013
Experiences of implementing statistical methods in small enterprises
M Deleryd, R Garvare, B Klefsjö
The TQM Magazine 11 (5), 341-351, 1999
Exploring the potential of a multi-level approach to improve capability for continuous organizational improvement and learning in a Swedish healthcare region
ME Nyström, E Höög, R Garvare, M Andersson Bäck, DD Terris, ...
BMC Health Services Research 18, 1-19, 2018
Improving child health promotion practices in multiple sectors–outcomes of the Swedish Salut Programme
K Edvardsson, A Ivarsson, R Garvare, E Eurenius, M Lindkvist, I Mogren, ...
BMC Public Health 12, 1-13, 2012
Organizing for sustainable inter-organizational collaboration in health care processes
M Karlsson, R Garvare, K Zingmark, B Nordström
Journal of interprofessional care 34 (2), 241-250, 2020
Sustained quality management: how to receive the Swedish quality award twice
K Palmberg, R Garvare
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 23 (1), 42-59, 2006
Sustaining Sweden’s competitive position: lean lifelong learning
R Isaksson, R Garvare, M Johnson, C Kuttainen, J Pareigis
Measuring Business Excellence 19 (1), 92-102, 2015
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