Beliefs in conspiracy theories and misinformation about COVID-19: Comparative perspectives on the role of anxiety, depression and exposure to and trust in information sources D De Coninck, T Frissen, K Matthijs, L d’Haenens, G Lits, ... Frontiers in psychology 12, 646394, 2021 | 350 | 2021 |
One virus, four continents, eight countries: an interdisciplinary and international study on the psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among adults M Généreux, PJ Schluter, KKC Hung, CS Wong, C Pui Yin Mok, ... International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (22), 8390, 2020 | 85 | 2020 |
Communication strategies and media discourses in the age of COVID-19: an urgent need for action M Généreux, MD David, T O’Sullivan, MÈ Carignan, G Blouin-Genest, ... Health Promotion International 36 (4), 1178-1185, 2021 | 77 | 2021 |
The evolution in anxiety and depression with the progression of the pandemic in adult populations from eight countries and four continents M Généreux, PJ Schluter, E Landaverde, KKC Hung, CS Wong, CPY Mok, ... International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9), 4845, 2021 | 52 | 2021 |
Beliefs in conspiracy theories and misinformation about COVID-19: Comparative perspectives on the role of anxiety, depression and exposure to and trust in information sources DD Coninck, T Frissen, K Matthijs, L d’Haenens, G Lits, ... Frontiers in psychology, 1340-1353, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Psychological response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Main stressors and assets M Généreux, M Roy, MD David, MÈ Carignan, G Blouin-Genest, ... Global Health Promotion 29 (1), 23-32, 2022 | 23 | 2022 |
Media portrayal of older adults across five Canadian disasters SA Oostlander, O Champagne-Poirier, TL O’Sullivan The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 94 (2), 234-250, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
La notion de non-public en débat J Luckerhoff, A Meunier, B Schiele, O Champagne-Poirier, J Le Marec, ... Musées, mutations, 227-246, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Framing of Youth as a high-risk population in Canadian disaster news media Z Al-Baldawi, C Pickering, O Champagne-Poirier, T O'Sullivan International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 58, 102174, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Beliefs in conspiracy theories and misinformation about COVID-19: comparative perspectives on the role of anxiety, depression and exposure to and trust in information sources … D De Coninck, T Frissen, K Matthijs, L d’Haenens, G Lits, ... | 9 | 2021 |
Les données autoethnographiques comme base à une théorisation des pratiques pédagogiques dans l’enseignement des approches inductives O Champagne-Poirier Approches inductives 3 (2), 12-40, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Understanding and quantifying: A mixed-method study on the journalistic coverage of canadian disasters O Champagne-Poirier, MÈ Carignan, MD David, T O’Sullivan International journal of qualitative methods 20, 1609406921990492, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Non-publics et MTE: étudier les raisons de ne pas visiter des organismes culturels selon une démarche enracinée O Champagne-Poirier Approches inductives 6 (1), 121-147, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Faire face aux transformations dans l’enseignement supérieur: une conceptualisation des interactions entre différentes innovations pédagogiques O Bégin-Caouette, O Champagne-Poirier, FA Loiola, A Beaupré-Lavallée, ... Enjeux et société 8 (2), 216-242, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Giving birth to another child: women’s perceptions of their childbirth experiences in Quebec R Gagnon, O Champagne-Poirier Qualitative Health Research 31 (5), 955-966, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Disinformation in the Age of the Covid-19 Pandemic: How Does Belief in Fake News and Conspiracy Theories Affect Canadians’ Reactions to the Crisis? ME Carignan, O Champagne-Poirier, G Aliaga Infodemic Disorder: Covid-19 Coping Strategies in Europe, Canada and Mexico …, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
La pandémie vue par les médias écrits: analyse de la couverture de la Covid-19 par des quotidiens canadiens O Champagne-Poirier, MÈ Carignan, M David Les Cahiers du journalisme, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Être non-public d'organismes culturels de la Mauricie: une analyse communicationnelle des raisons de ne pas fréquenter des offres culturelles régionales O Champagne-Poirier Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Les domaines du livre et des bibliothèques dans la presse écrite O Champagne-Poirier Les Cahiers du journalisme, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Les musées de sciences et de technologie l’éducation formelle et l’éducation non formelle O Champagne-Poirier, G Samson, P Chastenay, J Luckerhoff Regards interdisciplinaires sur les publics de la culture, 63-80, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |