Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic
Prof. of Aut. Control, Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Eng. in Kraljevo, Univ. of Kragujevac, Serbia
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An unsupervised fault diagnosis method for rolling bearing using STFT and generative neural networks
H Tao, P Wang, Y Chen, V Stojanovic, H Yang
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (11), 7286-7307, 2020
Asynchronous fault detection for interval type-2 fuzzy nonhomogeneous higher level Markov jump systems with uncertain transition probabilities
X Zhang, H Wang, V Stojanovic, P Cheng, S He, X Luan, F Liu
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 30 (7), 2487-2499, 2021
An optimal iterative learning control approach for linear systems with nonuniform trial lengths under input constraints
Z Zhuang, H Tao, Y Chen, V Stojanovic, W Paszke
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 53 (6), 3461-3473, 2022
Unsupervised cross-domain rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on time-frequency information fusion
H Tao, J Qiu, Y Chen, V Stojanovic, L Cheng
Journal of the Franklin Institute 360 (2), 1454-1477, 2023
Fuzzy fault detection for Markov jump systems with partly accessible hidden information: An event-triggered approach
P Cheng, S He, V Stojanovic, X Luan, F Liu
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 52 (8), 7352-7361, 2021
Asynchronous fault detection observer for 2-D Markov jump systems
P Cheng, H Wang, V Stojanovic, S He, K Shi, X Luan, F Liu, C Sun
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (12), 13623-13634, 2021
Online reinforcement learning multiplayer non-zero sum games of continuous-time Markov jump linear systems
X Xin, Y Tu, V Stojanovic, H Wang, K Shi, S He, T Pan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 412, 126537, 2022
Few shot cross equipment fault diagnosis method based on parameter optimization and feature mertic
H Tao, L Cheng, J Qiu, V Stojanovic
Measurement Science and Technology 33 (11), 115005, 2022
Improved YOLOv3 model with feature map cropping for multi-scale road object detection
L Shen, H Tao, Y Ni, Y Wang, V Stojanovic
Measurement Science and Technology, 2023
Input-to-state stability of impulsive reaction–diffusion neural networks with infinite distributed delays
T Wei, X Li, V Stojanovic
Nonlinear Dynamics 103, 1733-1755, 2021
Exponential stability of nonlinear state-dependent delayed impulsive systems with applications
Z Xu, X Li, V Stojanovic
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 42, 101088, 2021
Switching-like event-triggered state estimation for reaction–diffusion neural networks against DoS attacks
X Song, N Wu, S Song, V Stojanovic
Neural Processing Letters 55 (7), 8997-9018, 2023
Bipartite synchronization for cooperative-competitive neural networks with reaction–diffusion terms via dual event-triggered mechanism
X Song, N Wu, S Song, Y Zhang, V Stojanovic
Neurocomputing 550, 126498, 2023
Hybrid‐driven‐based fuzzy secure filtering for nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation systems with cyber attacks
Z Zhang, X Song, X Sun, V Stojanovic
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2022
Q-learning based fault estimation and fault tolerant iterative learning control for MIMO systems
R Wang, Z Zhuang, H Tao, W Paszke, V Stojanovic
ISA transactions 142, 123-135, 2023
State and parameter joint estimation of linear stochastic systems in presence of faults and non‐Gaussian noises
V Stojanovic, S He, B Zhang
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (16), 6683-6700, 2020
Fault-tolerant control of a hydraulic servo actuator via adaptive dynamic programming
V Stojanovic
Mathematical Modelling and Control 3 (3), 181-191, 2023
Robust Kalman filtering for nonlinear multivariable stochastic systems in the presence of non-Gaussian noise
V Stojanovic, N Nedic
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 1-16, 2015
Joint state and parameter robust estimation of stochastic nonlinear systems
V Stojanovic, N Nedic
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (14), 3058-3074, 2016
Value iteration and adaptive optimal output regulation with assured convergence rate
Y Jiang, W Gao, J Na, D Zhang, TT Hämäläinen, V Stojanovic, FL Lewis
Control Engineering Practice 121, 105042, 2022
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