Dr. sc. Mathias Bernhard
Dr. sc. Mathias Bernhard
Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich
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Digital concrete: opportunities and challenges
T Wangler, E Lloret, L Reiter, N Hack, F Gramazio, M Kohler, M Bernhard, ...
Rilem technical letters 1 (1), 67-75, 2017
3D-printed stay-in-place formwork for topologically optimized concrete slabs
A Jipa, M Bernhard, M Meibodi, B Dillenburger
Proceedings of the 2016 TxA emerging design+ technology conference, 97-107, 2016
Smart slab: Computational design and digital fabrication of a lightweight concrete slab
M Aghaei Meibodi, A Jipa, R Giesecke, D Shammas, M Bernhard, ...
Acadia 2018 Recalibration: On Imprecision and Infidelity: Proceedings of the …, 2018
Print paths key-framing: design for non-planar layered robotic FDM printing
I Mitropoulou, M Bernhard, B Dillenburger
Proceedings of the 5th annual ACM symposium on computational fabrication, 1-10, 2020
skelETHon Formwork: 3D printed plastic formwork for load-bearing concrete structures
A Jipa, M Bernhard, B Dillenburger, N Ruffray, T Wangler, RJ Flatt
Proceedings of the 21st Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Iberoamericana …, 2017
The Smart Takes from the Strong: 3D printing stay-in-place formwork for concrete slab construction
M Meibodi, M Bernhard, A Jipa, B Dillenburger, A Menges, B Sheil
Proceedings Fabricate, 210-218, 2017
The smart takes from the strong: 3D printing stay-in-place formwork for concrete slab construction
M Aghaei-Meibodi, M Bernhard, A Jipa, B Dillenburger
Fabricate 2017 3, 210-217, 2017
3D-printed formwork for prefabricated concrete slabs
A Jipa, M Aghaei Meibodi, R Giesecke, D Shammas, M Leschok, ...
1st International Conference on 3D Construction Printing (3DcP), 2018
Volumetric modelling for 3D printed architecture.
M Bernhard, M Hansmeyer, B Dillenburger
AAG, 392-415, 2018
Digital concrete: opportunities and challenges, RILEM Tech. Lett. 1 (2016) 67–75
T Wangler, E Lloret, L Reiter, N Hack, F Gramazio, M Kohler, M Bernhard, ...
Nonplanar 3D printing of bifurcating forms
I Mitropoulou, M Bernhard, B Dillenburger
3D printing and additive manufacturing 9 (3), 189-202, 2022
Digital concrete: opportunities and challenges, RILEM Tech. Lett. 1 (2016) 67
T Wangler, E Lloret, L Reiter, N Hack, F Gramazio, M Kohler, M Bernhard, ...
Submillimeter formwork: 3D-printed plastic formwork for concrete elements
A Jipa, M Bernhard, B Dillenburger
2017 TxA Emerging Design+ Technology Conference Proceedings, 70-79, 2020
Digital concrete: opportunities and challenges. RILEM Tech. Lett. 1, 67 (2016)
T Wangler, E Lloret, L Reiter, N Hack, F Gramazio, M Kohler, M Bernhard, ...
Computational terrain modeling with distance functions for large scale landscape design
I Hurkxkens, M Bernhard
Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 2019 (4), 222-230, 2019
Formwork fabrication freedom for a concrete canoe
A Jipa, M Bernhard, N Ruffray, T Wangler, RJ Flatt, B Dillenburger
Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos 14 (1), 25-44, 2019
Complex architectural elements from HPFRC and 3D printed sandstone
N Ruffray, M Bernhard, A Jipa, M Aghaei Meibodi, N Montague de Taisne, ...
UHPFRC 2017 Designing and Building with UHPFRC: New large-scale …, 2017
Digital Concrete: Opportunities and Challenges. RILEM Technical Letters, 1, 67–75
T Wangler, E Lloret, L Reiter, N Hack, F Gramazio, M Kohler, M Bernhard, ...
Generative Modelling with Design Constraints–Reinforcement Learning for Object Generation
Y Akizuki, M Bernhard, M Kladeftira, R Kakooee, B Dillenburger
RE: Anthropocene, Design in the Age of Humans–Proceedings of the 25th …, 2020
Gugelmann Galaxy: an unexpected journey through a collection of Schweizer Kleinmeister
M Bernhard
International Journal for Digital Art History, 2016
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