Joshua J. Liddy
Joshua J. Liddy
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An active balance board system with real-time control of stiffness and time-delay to assess mechanisms of postural stability
DR Cruise, JR Chagdes, JJ Liddy, S Rietdyk, JM Haddad, HN Zelaznik, ...
Journal of biomechanics 60, 48-56, 2017
Association between stride time fractality and gait adaptability during unperturbed and asymmetric walking
SW Ducharme, JJ Liddy, JM Haddad, MA Busa, LJ Claxton, ...
Human movement science 58, 248-259, 2018
Evenly spaced Detrended Fluctuation Analysis: Selecting the number of points for the diffusion plot
JJ Liddy, JM Haddad
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 491, 233-248, 2018
The efficacy of the Microsoft KinectTM to assess human bimanual coordination
JJ Liddy, HN Zelaznik, JE Huber, S Rietdyk, LJ Claxton, A Samuel, ...
Behavior research methods 49, 1030-1047, 2017
Temporal correlations in human locomotion: Recommendations for sampling rate and foot strike detection
JJ Liddy, SW Ducharme, REA van Emmerik, JM Haddad
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 532, 121784, 2019
Task‐specific adaptations of postural sway in sitting infants
AJ Arnold, JJ Liddy, RC Harris, LJ Claxton
Developmental Psychobiology 62 (1), 99-106, 2020
Considerations for applying entropy methods to temporally correlated stochastic datasets
J Liddy, M Busa
Entropy 25 (2), 306, 2023
The effect of holding an object on postural stability and suprapostural task performance
JJ Liddy, AJ Arnold, HY Cho, NL Romine, JM Haddad
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 35 (6), 418-425, 2019
A mathematical model to examine issues associated with using portable force-measurement technologies to collect infant postural data
JR Chagdes, JJ Liddy, AJ Arnold, LJ Claxton, JM Haddad
Journal of Motor Learning and Development 8 (1), 14-37, 2019
Changes to balance dynamics following a high-intensity run are associated with future injury occurrence in recreational runners
MRC Aquino, JJ Liddy, CD Napoli, ST Fonseca, REA van Emmerik, ...
Frontiers in Network Physiology 3, 1227861, 2023
Inconsistent attentional contexts impair relearning following gradual visuomotor adaptation
HY Im, JJ Liddy, JH Song
Journal of Neurophysiology 128 (3), 527-542, 2022
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