Mondher Farza
Mondher Farza
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Fuzzy adaptive controller for MIMO nonlinear systems with known and unknown control direction
A Boulkroune, M Tadjine, M M’Saad, M Farza
Fuzzy sets and systems 161 (6), 797-820, 2010
Adaptive observers for nonlinearly parameterized class of nonlinear systems
M Farza, M M’Saad, T Maatoug, M Kamoun
Automatica 45 (10), 2292-2299, 2009
Observer design for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems
M Farza, M M'Saad, L Rossignol
Automatica 40 (1), 135-143, 2004
Simple nonlinear observers for on-line estimation of kinetic rates in bioreactors
M Farza, K Busawon, H Hammouri
Automatica 34 (3), 301-318, 1998
How to design a fuzzy adaptive controller based on observers for uncertain affine nonlinear systems
A Boulkroune, M Tadjine, M M’Saad, M Farza
Fuzzy sets and systems 159 (8), 926-948, 2008
Nonlinear observers for locally uniformly observable systems
H Hammouri, M Farza
ESAIM: Control, optimisation and calculus of Variations 9, 353-370, 2003
Adaptive fuzzy controller for multivariable nonlinear state time-varying delay systems subject to input nonlinearities
A Boulkroune, M M’Saad, M Farza
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 164 (1), 45-65, 2011
Continuous-discrete time observers for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems
M Farza, M M'Saad, ML Fall, E Pigeon, O Gehan, K Busawon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (4), 1060-1065, 2013
Observer design for a special class of nonlinear systems
K Busawon, M Farza, H Hammouri
International Journal of Control 71 (3), 405-418, 1998
Adaptive fuzzy tracking control for a class of MIMO nonaffine uncertain systems
A Boulkroune, M M'Saad, M Farza
Neurocomputing 93, 48-55, 2012
Design of a unified adaptive fuzzy observer for uncertain nonlinear systems
A Boulkroune, M Tadjine, M M’Saad, M Farza
Information Sciences 265, 139-153, 2014
Fuzzy approximation-based indirect adaptive controller for multi-input multi-output non-affine systems with unknown control direction
A Boulkroune, M M'Saad, M Farza
IET Control Theory & Applications 6 (17), 2619-2629, 2012
Nonlinear observers for parameter estimation in bioprocesses
M Farza, H Hammouri, S Othman, K Busawon
Chemical Engineering Science 52 (23), 4251-4267, 1997
High gain observer for a class of non-triangular systems
M Farza, M M’Saad, M Triki, T Maatoug
Systems & Control Letters 60 (1), 27-35, 2011
State observation of a nonlinear system: Application to (bio) chemical processes
M Farza, H Hammouri, C Jallut, J Lieto
AIChE Journal 45 (1), 93-106, 1999
Adaptive observers for a class of uniformly observable systems with nonlinear parametrization and sampled outputs
M Farza, I Bouraoui, T Menard, RB Abdennour, M M’Saad
Automatica 50 (11), 2951-2960, 2014
A set of observers for a class of nonlinear systems
M Farza, M M'saad, M Sekher
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 765-770, 2005
A simple observer for a class of nonlinear systems
K Busawon, M Farza, H Hammouri
Applied Mathematics Letters 11 (3), 27-32, 1998
A high gain observer with updated gain for a class of MIMO non-triangular systems
M Oueder, M Farza, RB Abdennour, M M’Saad
Systems & Control Letters 61 (2), 298-308, 2012
Observer design for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with sampled outputs—Application to the estimation of kinetic rates in bioreactors
I Bouraoui, M Farza, T Ménard, RB Abdennour, M M’Saad, H Mosrati
Automatica 55, 78-87, 2015
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