José Alberto Hernández
José Alberto Hernández
Dept. Ing. Telemática, Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain
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An overview of the CPRI specification and its application to C-RAN based LTE scenarios
A de la Oliva, JA Hernández, D Larrabeiti, A Azcorra
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (2), 152-159, 2016
Performance evaluation of energy efficient ethernet
P Reviriego, JA Hernández, D Larrabeiti, JA Maestro
IEEE Communications Letters 13 (9), 697-699, 2009
Burst transmission for energy-efficient ethernet
P Reviriego, JA Hernández, JA Maestro, D Larrabeiti
Internet Computing, IEEE 14 (4), 50-57, 2010
Fronthaul Network Modeling and Dimensioning Meeting Ultra-low Latency Requirements for 5G
G Otero Pérez, JA Hernández, D Larrabeiti
IEEE/OSA Journal Optical Communications and Networking 10 (6), 573-581, 2018
Weibull mixture model to characterise end-to-end Internet delay at coarse time-scales
JA Hernández, IW Phillips
Communications, IEE Proceedings- 153 (2), 295-304, 2006
5G New Radio Fronthaul Network Design for eCPRI - IEEE 802.1CM and Extreme Latency Percentiles
G Otero Pérez, D Larrabeiti, JA Hernández
IEEE Access 7, 82218 - 82230, 2019
Machine Learning-Based Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Software-Defined Optical Networks
I Martín, S Troia, JA Hernández, A Rodríguez, F Musumeci, G Maier, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 16 (3), 871-883, 2019
An empirical study of cloud gaming
M Manzano, JA Hernandez, M Urueńa, E Calle
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for …, 2012
New insights from the analysis of free flow vehicular traffic in highways
M Gramaglia, P Serrano, JA Hernández, M Calderon, CJ Bernardos
2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2011
Towards understanding the interplay of generative artificial intelligence and the internet
G Martínez, L Watson, P Reviriego, JA Hernández, M Juarez, R Sarkar
Epistemic Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 59-73, 2024
Meeting the traffic requirements of residential users in the next decade with current FTTH standards: how much? how long?
JA Hernández, R Sánchez, I Martín, D Larrabeiti
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (6), 120-125, 2019
Machine-Learning based analysis and classification of Android malware signatures
I Martín, JA Hernández, S de los Santos
Future Generation Computer Systems 97, 295-305, 2019
Towards an energy efficient 10 Gb/s optical ethernet: Performance analysis and viability
D Larrabeiti, P Reviriego, JA Hernandez, JA Maestro, M Urueńa
Optical Switching and Networking 8 (3), 131-138, 2011
Is multilayer networking feasible?
JE Gabeiras, V López, J Aracil, JP Fernández-Palacios, CG Argos, ...
Optical Switching and Networking 6 (2), 129-140, 2009
Comprehensive model for technoeconomic studies of next-generation central offices for metro networks
JA Hernández, M Quagliotti, L Serra, L Luque, RL da Silva, A Rafel, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 12 (12), 414-427, 2020
Combining generative artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet: Heading towards evolution or degradation?
G Martínez, L Watson, P Reviriego, JA Hernández, M Juarez, R Sarkar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.01255, 2023
Android malware characterization using metadata and Machine Learning techniques
I Martín, JA Hernández, A Muńoz, A Guzmán
Security and Communication Networks 2018, 1-11, 2018
On the duration and spatial characteristics of Internet traffic measurement experiments
JL García-Dorado, JA Hernández, J Aracil, JEL de Vergara, FJ Monserrat, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (11), 148-155, 2008
Dissecting the protocol and network traffic of the OnLive cloud gaming platform
M Manzano, M Uruena, M Sužnjević, E Calle, JA Hernandez, ...
Multimedia systems 20, 451-470, 2014
Machine-Learning-Assisted Routing in SDN-based Optical Networks
S Troia, A Rodríguez Blázquez, M Ignacio, JA Hernández, OG de Dios, ...
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2018
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