Morgane Chevalier
Morgane Chevalier
Haute Ecole Pédagogique (HEP-Vaud, Switzerland)
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Fostering computational thinking through educational robotics: A model for creative computational problem solving
M Chevalier, C Giang, A Piatti, F Mondada
International Journal of STEM Education 7, 1-18, 2020
Thymio II, a robot that grows wiser with children
F Riedo, M Chevalier, S Magnenat, F Mondada
2013 IEEE workshop on advanced robotics and its social impacts, 187-193, 2013
Pedagogical uses of thymio II: How do teachers perceive educational robots in formal education?
M Chevalier, F Riedo, F Mondada
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 23 (2), 16-23, 2016
The role of feedback and guidance as intervention methods to foster computational thinking in educational robotics learning activities for primary school
M Chevalier, C Giang, L El-Hamamsy, E Bonnet, V Papaspyros, JP Pellet, ...
Computers & Education 180, 104431, 2022
A computer science and robotics integration model for primary school: evaluation of a large-scale in-service K-4 teacher-training program
L El-Hamamsy, F Chessel-Lazzarotto, B Bruno, D Roy, T Cahlikova, ...
Education and Information Technologies 26, 2445-2475, 2021
Exploring escape games as a teaching tool in educational robotics
C Giang, M Chevalier, L Negrini, R Peleg, E Bonnet, A Piatti, F Mondada
Educational robotics in the context of the maker movement, 95-106, 2020
The symbiotic relationship between educational robotics and computer science in formal education
L El-Hamamsy, B Bruno, F Chessel-Lazzarotto, M Chevalier, D Roy, ...
Education and Information Technologies 26, 5077-5107, 2021
How do teachers perceive educational robots in formal education? A study based on the Thymio robot
M Chevalier, F Riedo, F Mondada
IEEE Robot Autom. Mag 23 (2), 16-23, 2016
IniRobot: a pedagogical kit to initiate children to concepts of robotics and computer science
D Roy, G Gerber, S Magnenat, F Riedo, M Chevalier, PY Oudeyer, ...
RIE 2015, 2015
How are primary school computer science curricular reforms contributing to equity? Impact on student learning, perception of the discipline, and gender gaps
L El-Hamamsy, B Bruno, C Audrin, M Chevalier, S Avry, JD Zufferey, ...
International Journal of STEM Education 10 (1), 60, 2023
Teachers’ perspective on fostering computational thinking through educational robotics
M Chevalier, L El-Hamamsy, C Giang, B Bruno, F Mondada
International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), 177-185, 2021
Learning symmetry with tangible robots
W Johal, S Andersen, M Chevalier, A Ozgur, F Mondada, P Dillenbourg
Robotics in Education: Current Research and Innovations 10, 270-283, 2020
Modelling the sustainability of a primary school digital education curricular reform and professional development program
L El-Hamamsy, EC Monnier, S Avry, M Chevalier, B Bruno, ...
Education and Information Technologies 29 (3), 2857-2904, 2024
A case for co-construction with teachers in curricular reform: Introducing computer science in primary school
L El-Hamamsy, B Bruno, H Kovacs, M Chevalier, J Dehler Zufferey, ...
Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Computing Education Conference, 56-65, 2022
Effects of Introducing a Learning Robot on the Metacognitive Knowledge of Students Aged 8–11
M Martin, M Chevalier, S Burton, G Bonvin, M Besançon, T Deneux
International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), 169-183, 2023
Il ruolo del robot nell’educazione
M Chevalier, P Rossetti
Stripes edizioni, 2017
Automatic extraction of formal features from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint productions in a diagnostic-assessment perspective
JP Pellet, M Chevalier
2014 International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers (ICETC …, 2014
Que pourrait comprendre l’enseignement de la science informatique dans la scolarité obligatoire? Avec quelle progression?
G Parriaux, JP Pellet, F Chessel-Lazzarotto, M Chevalier, E Page, D Roy
Secrétariat général de la Conférence intercantonale de l’instruction …, 2020
Difficultés d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de la science informatique au primaire.
J Bugmann, M Chevalier, JP Pellet, G Parriaux
-, 2022
Mediating computational thinking through educational robotics in primary school
MSD Chevalier
EPFL, 2022
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