Jessica L. Heier Stamm
Jessica L. Heier Stamm
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Improving humanitarian operations through technology‐enabled collaboration
Ö Ergun, L Gui, JL Heier Stamm, P Keskinocak, J Swann
Production and Operations Management 23 (6), 1002-1014, 2014
Waffle House Restaurants hurricane response: A case study
Ö Ergun, JLH Stamm, P Keskinocak, JL Swann
International Journal of Production Economics 126 (1), 111-120, 2010
Game Theory Applications in Humanitarian Operations: A Review
L Muggy, JL Heier Stamm
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 4 (1), 4-23, 2014
Endogenizing culture in sustainability science research and policy
MM Caldas, MR Sanderson, M Mather, MD Daniels, JS Bergtold, J Aistrup, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (27), 8157-8159, 2015
Bringing the “social” into sociohydrology: Conservation policy support in the C entral G reat P lains of K ansas, USA
MR Sanderson, JS Bergtold, JL Heier Stamm, MM Caldas, SM Ramsey
Water Resources Research 53 (8), 6725-6743, 2017
Optimization of lignocellulosic biomass-to-biofuel supply chains with densification: Literature review
NT Albashabsheh, JLH Stamm
Biomass and Bioenergy 144, 105888, 2021
Optimization of lignocellulosic biomass-to-biofuel supply chains with mobile pelleting
NT Albashabsheh, JLH Stamm
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 122, 545-562, 2019
Decentralized beneficiary behavior in humanitarian supply chains: Models, performance bounds, and coordination mechanisms
L Muggy, JL Heier Stamm
Annals of Operations Research 284 (1), 333-365, 2020
Dynamic, robust models to quantify the impact of decentralization in post-disaster health care facility location decisions
L Muggy, JLH Stamm
Operations Research for Health Care 12, 43-59, 2017
Evaluating environmental change and behavioral decision-making for sustainability policy using an agent-based model: A case study for the Smoky Hill River Watershed, Kansas
G Granco, JLH Stamm, JS Bergtold, MD Daniels, MR Sanderson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 695, 133769, 2019
Climate change beliefs in an agricultural context: what is the role of values held by farming and non-farming groups?
MR Sanderson, JS Bergtold, JL Heier Stamm, MM Caldas, SM Ramsey, ...
Climatic Change 150, 259-272, 2018
Quantifying and explaining accessibility with application to the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign
JL Heier Stamm, N Serban, J Swann, P Wortley
Health care management science 20, 76-93, 2017
Field‐level land‐use adaptation to local weather trends
SM Ramsey, JS Bergtold, JL Heier Stamm
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103 (4), 1314-1341, 2021
Design and analysis of humanitarian and public health logistics systems
JLH Stamm
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010
Measuring potential spatial accessibility of home healthcare services
MS Kilinc, AB Milburn, JLH Stamm
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 59, 13-25, 2017
Developing an agent-based model to simulate the beef cattle production and transportation in southwest Kansas
Q Yang, D Gruenbacher, JLH Stamm, GL Brase, SA DeLoach, DE Amrine, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 526, 120856, 2019
Impact of truck contamination and information sharing on foot-and-mouth disease spreading in beef cattle production systems
Q Yang, DM Gruenbacher, JL Heier Stamm, DE Amrine, GL Brase, ...
Plos one 15 (10), e0240819, 2020
Local environment and individuals’ beliefs: The dynamics shaping public support for sustainability policy in an agricultural landscape
G Granco, M Caldas, J Bergtold, JLH Stamm, M Mather, M Sanderson, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 301, 113776, 2022
An agent-based modeling approach to improve coordination between humanitarian relief providers
M Menth, JLH Stamm
2015 winter simulation conference (wsc), 3116-3117, 2015
Impact of decentralized decision-making on access to public health facilities
B Moore, JLH Stamm
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1, 2012
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