Michel Parent
Michel Parent
Scientific Advisor, INRIA, France
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Intelligent vehicle technologies
M Parent, P Bodu
Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook, 3-1-3-23, 2017
Cooperative autonomous driving: intelligent vehicles sharing city roads
J Baber, J Kolodko, T Noel, M Parent, L Vlacic
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 12 (1), 44-49, 2005
Modeling and model verification of an intelligent self-balancing two-wheeled vehicle for an autonomous urban transportation system
M Baloh, M Parent
The conference on computational intelligence, robotics, and autonomous …, 2003
Longitudinal and lateral servoing of vehicles in a platoon
P Daviet, M Parent
Proceedings of conference on intelligent vehicles, 41-46, 1996
Intelligent vehicles
A Broggi, A Zelinsky, Ü Özgüner, C Laugier
Springer Handbook of Robotics, 1627-1656, 2016
Advanced urban transport: Automation is on the way
M Parent
IEEE Intelligent Systems 22 (2), 9-11, 2007
Multivehicle cooperative local mapping: A methodology based on occupancy grid map merging
H Li, M Tsukada, F Nashashibi, M Parent
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (5), 2089-2100, 2014
B2, an alternative two wheeled vehicle for an automated urban transportation system
H Tirmant, M Baloh, L Vermeiren, TM Guerra, M Parent
Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2002. IEEE 2, 594-603, 2002
Towards urban driverless vehicles
R Benenson, S Petti, T Fraichard, M Parent
International journal of vehicle autonomous systems 6 (1-2), 4-23, 2008
Intersection safety using lidar and stereo vision sensors
O Aycard, Q Baig, S Bota, F Nashashibi, S Nedevschi, C Pantilie, ...
2011 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 863-869, 2011
Intelligent transportation in cities with CTS
M Parent, G Gallais
Proceedings. The IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2002
A convex optimization approach for depth estimation under illumination variation
W Miled, JC Pesquet, M Parent
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 (4), 813-830, 2009
Cybercar cooperation for safe intersections
L Bouraoui, S Petti, A Laouiti, T Fraichard, M Parent
2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 456-461, 2006
Integrating perception and planning for autonomous navigation of urban vehicles
R Benenson, S Petti, T Fraichard, M Parent
2006 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems, 98-104, 2006
A multicriteria decision making approach for carsharing stations selection
A Awasthi, D Breuil, SS Chauhan, M Parent, T Reveillere
Journal of decision systems 16 (1), 57-78, 2007
Modeling, control and experimental verification on a two-wheeled vehicle with free inclination: An urban transportation system
L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, TM Guerra, H Rago-Tirmant, M Parent
Control Engineering Practice 19 (7), 744-756, 2011
Platooning for small public urban vehicles
P Daviet, M Parent
Experimental Robotics IV: The 4th International Symposium, Stanford …, 2005
Cybercars: Past, present and future of the technology
M Parent, A de La Fortelle
arXiv preprint cs/0510059, 2005
Obstacle detection from ipm and super-homography
N Simond, M Parent
2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2007
Cybercars: Review of first projects
M Parent, G Gallais, A Alessandrini, T Chanard
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