Bechir Hamdaoui
Bechir Hamdaoui
Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Oregon State University
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A survey on energy-efficient routing techniques with QoS assurances for wireless multimedia sensor networks
S Ehsan, B Hamdaoui
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 14 (2), 265-278, 2011
Network function virtualization in 5G
S Abdelwahab, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, T Znati
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (4), 84-91, 2016
OS-MAC: An efficient MAC protocol for spectrum-agile wireless networks
B Hamdaoui, KG Shin
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (8), 915-930, 2008
Software-defined networking security: pros and cons
M Dabbagh, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, A Rayes
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (6), 73-79, 2015
Enabling smart cloud services through remote sensing: An internet of everything enabler
S Abdelwahab, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, A Rayes
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 1 (3), 276-288, 2014
Energy-efficient resource allocation and provisioning framework for cloud data centers
M Dabbagh, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, A Rayes
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 12 (3), 377-391, 2015
Toward energy-efficient cloud computing: Prediction, consolidation, and overcommitment
M Dabbagh, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, A Rayes
IEEE network 29 (2), 56-61, 2015
Replisom: Disciplined Tiny Memory Replication for Massive IoT Devices in LTE Edge Cloud
S Abdelwahab, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, T Znati
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (3), 327-338, 2015
Characterization and analysis of multi-hop wireless MIMO network throughput
B Hamdaoui, KG Shin
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2007
An energy-efficient VM prediction and migration framework for overcommitted clouds
M Dabbagh, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, A Rayes
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 6 (4), 955-966, 2016
Design and analysis of delay-tolerant sensor networks for monitoring and tracking free-roaming animals
S Ehsan, K Bradford, M Brugger, B Hamdaoui, Y Kovchegov, D Johnson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (3), 1220-1227, 2012
Adaptive spectrum assessment for opportunistic access in cognitive radio networks
B Hamdaoui
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (2), 922-930, 2009
Aggregate hardware impairments over mixed RF/FSO relaying systems with outdated CSI
E Balti, M Guizani, B Hamdaoui, B Khalfi
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (3), 1110-1123, 2017
Cloud of things for sensing-as-a-service: Architecture, algorithms, and use case
S Abdelwahab, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, T Znati
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (6), 1099-1112, 2016
Opportunistic bandwidth sharing through reinforcement learning
P Venkatraman, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (6), 3148-3153, 2010
Location privacy in cognitive radio networks: A survey
M Grissa, B Hamdaoui, AA Yavuz
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1726-1760, 2017
Efficient datacenter resource utilization through cloud resource overcommitment
M Dabbagh, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani, A Rayes
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2015
LoRa device fingerprinting in the wild: Disclosing RF data-driven fingerprint sensitivity to deployment variability
A Elmaghbub, B Hamdaoui
IEEE Access 9, 142893-142909, 2021
A survey on communication infrastructure for micro-grids
S Safdar, B Hamdaoui, E Cotilla-Sanchez, M Guizani
2013 9th international wireless communications and mobile computing …, 2013
Extracting and exploiting inherent sparsity for efficient IoT support in 5G: Challenges and potential solutions
B Khalfi, B Hamdaoui, M Guizani
IEEE Wireless Communications 24 (5), 68-73, 2017
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