Barry Ezell, Ph.D.
Barry Ezell, Ph.D.
ODU Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center
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Probabilistic risk analysis and terrorism risk
BC Ezell, SP Bennett, D Von Winterfeldt, J Sokolowski, AJ Collins
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 30 (4), 575-589, 2010
Infrastructure vulnerability assessment model (I‐VAM)
BC Ezell
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 27 (3), 571-583, 2007
Infrastructure risk analysis model
BC Ezell, JV Farr, I Wiese
Journal of infrastructure systems 6 (3), 114-117, 2000
Infrastructure risk analysis of municipal water distribution system
BC Ezell, JV Farr, I Wiese
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 6 (3), 118-122, 2000
A systems approach to risk analysis validation for risk management
J Lathrop, B Ezell
Safety science 99, 187-195, 2017
An improvement selection methodology for key performance indicators
AJ Collins, P Hester, B Ezell, J Horst
Environment Systems and Decisions 36, 196-208, 2016
Chapter 4: Homeland Security Risk Modeling
JA Editors: Sokolowski, CM Banks
Handbook of real-world applications in modeling and simulation 2, 129-164, 2012
A method for key performance indicator assessment in manufacturing organizations
P Hester, B Ezell, A Collins, J Horst, K Lawsure
International journal of operations research 14 (4), 157, 2017
Risks of Cyber Attack to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition for Water Supply
B Ezell
University of Virginia, 1998
Methods for weighting decisions to assist modelers and decision analysts: A review of ratio assignment and approximate techniques
B Ezell, CJ Lynch, PT Hester
Applied Sciences 11 (21), 10397, 2021
Probabilistic risk analysis and bioterrorism risk
BC Ezell, D Winterfeldt
Biosecurity and bioterrorism 7 (1), 108-110, 2009
Risks of cyber attack to water utility supervisory control and data acquisition systems
BC Ezell, YY Haimes, JH Lambert
Military Operations Research, 23-33, 2001
Multi-perspective scenario-based preferences in enterprise risk analysis of public safety wireless broadband network
ML Hassler, DJ Andrews, BC Ezell, TL Polmateer, JH Lambert
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 197, 106775, 2020
Cyber risk to transportation, industrial control systems, and traffic signal controllers
BC Ezell, R Michael Robinson, P Foytik, C Jordan, D Flanagan
Environment Systems and Decisions 33, 508-516, 2013
Toward a systems-based vulnerability assessment methodology for water supply systems
BC Ezell
Risk-based decisionmaking in water resources X, 91-103, 2003
Quantifying vulnerability to critical infrastructure systems
BC Ezell
PHD Disseration, Department of Engineering Management, Old Dominion …, 2005
Philosophical issues and their implications for the systems architect
BC Ezell, KG Crowther
Foundations of Science 12, 269-276, 2007
Using plural modeling for predicting decisions made by adaptive adversaries
DM Buede, S Mahoney, B Ezell, J Lathrop
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 108, 77-89, 2012
Validation in the absence of observed events
J Lathrop, B Ezell
Risk analysis 36 (4), 653-665, 2016
Identifying factors that influence terrorist decisions and target selection
BC Ezell, J Behr, A Collins
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 9 (1), 2012
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