Shuangfei Zhai
Shuangfei Zhai
Apple, Machine Learning Research
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Deep Structured Energy Based Models for Anomaly Detection
S Zhai, Y Cheng, W Lu, Z Zhang
ICML 2016, 2016
Fully-adaptive Feature Sharing in Multi-Task Networks with Applications in Person Attribute Classification
Y Lu, A Kumar, S Zhai, Y Cheng, T Javidi, R Feris
CVPR 2017, 2016
Semisupervised autoencoder for sentiment analysis
Z Zhang, S Zhai
US Patent 11,205,103, 2021
Boosting deep learning risk prediction with generative adversarial networks for electronic health records
Z Che, Y Cheng, S Zhai, Z Sun, Y Liu
2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 787-792, 2017
Uncertainty Weighted Actor-Critic for Offline Reinforcement Learning
Y Wu, S Zhai, N Srivastava, J Susskind, J Zhang, R Salakhutdinov, H Goh
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.08140, 2021
DeepIntent: Learning Attentions for Online Advertising with Recurrent Neural Networks
S Zhai, K Chang, R Zhang, ZM Zhang
KDD 2016, 2016
An Attention Free Transformer
S Zhai, W Talbott, N Srivastava, C Huang, H Goh, R Zhang, J Susskind
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.14103, 2021
Gaudi: A neural architect for immersive 3d scene generation
MA Bautista, P Guo, S Abnar, W Talbott, A Toshev, Z Chen, L Dinh, S Zhai, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 25102-25116, 2022
S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
S Zhai, H Wu, A Kumar, Y Cheng, Y Lu, Z Zhang, R Feris
CVPR 2017, 2016
Doubly Convolutional Neural Networks
S Zhai, Y Cheng, W Lu, Z Zhang
NIPS 2016, 2016
Addressing the loss-metric mismatch with adaptive loss alignment
C Huang, S Zhai, W Talbott, MB Martin, SY Sun, C Guestrin, J Susskind
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2891-2900, 2019
Semisupervised Autoencoder for Sentiment Analysis
S Zhai, Z Zhang
AAAI 2016, 2016
Identifying Relevant Content Items using a Deep-Structured Neural Network
KH Chang, R Zhang, S Zhai
US Patent App. 14/926,617, 2017
Tract: Denoising diffusion models with transitive closure time-distillation
D Berthelot, A Autef, J Lin, DA Yap, S Zhai, S Hu, D Zheng, W Talbott, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.04248, 2023
Identity-based Adversarial Training of Deep CNNs for Facial Action Unit Recognition
Z Zhang, S Zhai, L Yin
BMVC, 2018
Dropout Training of Matrix Factorization and Autoencoder for Link Prediction in Sparse Graphs
S Zhai, Z Zhang
SDM 2015, 2015
The Slingshot Mechanism: An Empirical Study of Adaptive Optimizers and the Grokking Phenomenon
V Thilak, E Littwin, S Zhai, O Saremi, R Paiss, J Susskind
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.04817, 2022
Stabilizing Transformer Training by Preventing Attention Entropy Collapse
S Zhai, T Likhomanenko, E Littwin, D Busbridge, J Ramapuram, Y Zhang, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 40770-40803, 2023
Boot: Data-free distillation of denoising diffusion models with bootstrapping
J Gu, S Zhai, Y Zhang, L Liu, JM Susskind
ICML 2023 Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference {\&} Generative …, 2023
Generative Adversarial Networks as Variational Training of Energy Based Models
S Zhai, Y Cheng, R Feris, Z Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01799, 2016
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