Simge Küçükyavuz
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
On mixing sets arising in chance-constrained programming
S Küçükyavuz
Mathematical programming 132 (1), 31-56, 2012
Decomposition algorithms with parametric Gomory cuts for two-stage stochastic integer programs
D Gade, S Küçükyavuz, S Sen
Mathematical Programming 144 (1), 39-64, 2014
A Polyhedral Study of Production Ramping
P Damcı-Kurt, S Küçükyavuz, D Rajan, A Atamtürk
Mathematical Programming 158 (1), 175-205, 2016
Decomposition algorithms for two-stage chance-constrained programs
X Liu, S Küçükyavuz, J Luedtke
Mathematical Programming 157 (1), 219-243, 2016
Chance-constrained binary packing problems
Y Song, JR Luedtke, S Küçükyavuz
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26 (4), 735-747, 2014
An introduction to two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programming
S Küçükyavuz, S Sen
INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research: Leading Developments from INFORMS …, 2017
Lot sizing with inventory bounds and fixed costs: Polyhedral study and computation
A Atamtürk, S Küçükyavuz
Operations Research 53 (4), 711-730, 2005
A two-stage stochastic programming approach for influence maximization in social networks
HH Wu, S Küçükyavuz
Computational Optimization and Applications 69, 563-595, 2018
Finitely Convergent Decomposition Algorithms for Two-Stage Stochastic Pure Integer Programs
M Zhang, S Küçükyavuz
SIAM Journal on Optimization 24 (4), 1933-1951, 2014
Uncapacitated lot sizing with backlogging: the convex hull
S Küçükyavuz, Y Pochet
Mathematical Programming 118 (1), 151-175, 2009
An O (n2) algorithm for lot sizing with inventory bounds and fixed costs
A Atamtürk, S Küçükyavuz
Operations Research Letters 36 (3), 297-299, 2008
A polyhedral study of multiechelon lot sizing with intermediate demands
M Zhang, S Küçükyavuz, H Yaman
Operations Research 60 (4), 918-935, 2012
On stochastic lot-sizing problems with random lead times
K Huang, S KüçüKyavuz
Operations Research Letters 36 (3), 303-308, 2008
A branch-and-cut method for dynamic decision making under joint chance constraints
M Zhang, S Küçükyavuz, S Goel
Management Science 60 (5), 1317-1333, 2014
Chance-Constrained Optimization under Limited Distributional Information: A Review of Reformulations Based on Sampling and Distributional Robustness
S Küçükyavuz, R Jiang
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 2022
Distributionally robust chance-constrained programs with right-hand side uncertainty under Wasserstein ambiguity
N Ho-Nguyen, F Kılınç-Karzan, S Küçükyavuz, D Lee
Mathematical Programming 196 (1-2), 641-672, 2022
Integer programming for learning directed acyclic graphs from continuous data
H Manzour, S Küçükyavuz, HH Wu, A Shojaie
INFORMS Journal on Optimization 3 (1), 46-73, 2021
Two-stage stochastic programming under multivariate risk constraints with an application to humanitarian relief network design
N Noyan, M Meraklı, S Küçükyavuz
Mathematical Programming 191 (1), 7-45, 2022
Ideal formulations for constrained convex optimization problems with indicator variables
L Wei, A Gómez, S Küçükyavuz
Mathematical Programming 192 (1), 57-88, 2022
Finite disjunctive programming characterizations for general mixed-integer linear programs
B Chen, S Küçükyavuz, S Sen
Operations Research 59 (1), 202-210, 2011
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