T-ray tomography DM Mittleman, S Hunsche, L Boivin, MC Nuss
Optics letters 22 (12), 904-906, 1997
743 1997 Detectors and sources for ultrabroadband electro-optic sampling: Experiment and theory A Leitenstorfer, S Hunsche, J Shah, MC Nuss, WH Knox
Applied physics letters 74 (11), 1516-1518, 1999
666 1999 THz near-field imaging S Hunsche, M Koch, I Brener, MC Nuss
Optics communications 150 (1-6), 22-26, 1998
486 1998 2.5 Tb/s (64× 42.7 Gb/s) transmission over 40× 100 km NZDSF using RZ-DPSK format and all-Raman-amplified spans AH Gnauck, G Raybon, S Chandrasekhar, J Leuthold, C Doerr, L Stulz, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, FC2, 2002
361 2002 Femtosecond charge transport in polar semiconductors A Leitenstorfer, S Hunsche, J Shah, MC Nuss, WH Knox
Physical review letters 82 (25), 5140, 1999
270 1999 Biexciton effects in femtosecond nonlinear transmission of semiconductor quantum dots V Klimov, S Hunsche, H Kurz
Physical Review B 50 (11), 8110, 1994
256 1994 System and method for mask verification using an individual mask error model J Ye, S Hunsche
US Patent 7,587,704, 2009
238 2009 Femtosecond high-field transport in compound semiconductors A Leitenstorfer, S Hunsche, J Shah, MC Nuss, WH Knox
Physical Review B 61 (24), 16642, 2000
225 2000 Impulsive softening of coherent phonons in tellurium S Hunsche, K Wienecke, T Dekorsy, H Kurz
Physical review letters 75 (9), 1815, 1995
185 1995 Method for lithography model calibration J Ye, Y Cao, G Chen, S Hunsche
US Patent 7,488,933, 2009
140 2009 THz-imaging: a new method for density mapping of wood M Koch, S Hunsche, P Schumacher, MC Nuss, J Feldmann, J Fromm
Wood Science and Technology 32, 421-427, 1998
138 1998 Ionization and Fragmentation of via Multiphoton-Multiplasmon Excitation S Hunsche, T Starczewski, A l'Huillier, A Persson, CG Wahlström, ...
Physical review letters 77 (10), 1966, 1996
129 1996 Investigation of anharmonic lattice vibrations with coherent phonon polaritons HJ Bakker, S Hunsche, H Kurz
Physical Review B 50 (2), 914, 1994
105 1994 Coherent phonon polaritons as probes of anharmonic phonons in ferroelectrics HJ Bakker, S Hunsche, H Kurz
Reviews of Modern Physics 70 (2), 523, 1998
99 1998 Method for process window optimized optical proximity correction J Ye, LI Jiangwei, S Hunsche
US Patent 8,413,081, 2013
94 2013 Ultrafast dynamics of carrier-induced absorption changes in highly-excited CdSe nanocrystals S Hunsche, T Dekorsy, V Klimov, H Kurz
Applied Physics B 62, 3-10, 1996
93 1996 Method for selecting and optimizing exposure tool using an individual mask error model J Ye, S Hunsche
US Patent 7,617,477, 2009
90 2009 Observation of THz phonon-polariton beats in LiTaO 3 HJ Bakker, S Hunsche, H Kurz
Physical review letters 69 (19), 2823, 1992
90 1992 New dimensions in T-ray imaging S Hunsche, DM Mittleman, M Koch, MC Nuss
IEICE transactions on electronics 81 (2), 269-276, 1998
88 1998 System and method for measuring and analyzing lithographic parameters and determining optimal process corrections MJ Gassner, S Hunsche, Y Cao, J Ye, ME Preil
US Patent 7,749,666, 2010
85 2010