Ulysse Serres
Ulysse Serres
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Continuous-discrete time observer design for Lipschitz systems with sampled measurements
TN Dinh, V Andrieu, M Nadri, U Serres
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (3), 787-792, 2014
Event-triggered output feedback stabilization via dynamic high-gain scaling
J Peralez, V Andrieu, M Nadri, U Serres
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (8), 2537-2549, 2018
On the convergence of linear switched systems
U Serres, JC Vivalda, P Riedinger
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (2), 320-332, 2010
Self-triggered continuous–discrete observer with updated sampling period
V Andrieu, M Nadri, U Serres, JC Vivalda
Automatica 62, 106-113, 2015
Luenberger observers for discrete-time nonlinear systems
L Brivadis, V Andrieu, U Serres
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3435-3440, 2019
On the cut locus of free, step two Carnot groups
L Rizzi, U Serres
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (12), 5341-5357, 2017
Observability necessary conditions for the existence of observers
V Andrieu, G Besançon, U Serres
52nd IEEE conference on decision and control, 4442-4447, 2013
Continuous discrete observer with updated sampling period
V Andrieu, M Nadri, U Serres, JC Vivalda
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (23), 439-444, 2013
Lyapunov and minimum-time path planning for drones
T Maillot, U Boscain, JP Gauthier, U Serres
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 21, 47-80, 2015
Further remarks on KKL observers
L Brivadis, V Andrieu, P Bernard, U Serres
Systems & Control Letters 172, 105429, 2023
How humans fly
A Ajami, JP Gauthier, T Maillot, U Serres
To be published in ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2012
Avoiding observability singularities in output feedback bilinear systems
L Brivadis, JPA Gauthier, L Sacchelli, U Serres
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 59 (3), 1759-1780, 2021
Dynamic output feedback stabilization of non-uniformly observable dissipative systems
L Sacchelli, L Brivadis, V Andrieu, U Serres, JP Gauthier
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 4923-4928, 2020
Luenberger observers for infinite-dimensional systems, back and forth nudging, and application to a crystallization process
L Brivadis, V Andrieu, U Serres, JP Gauthier
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 59 (2), 857-886, 2021
On the curvature of two-dimensional optimal control systems and Zermelo’s navigation problem
U Serres
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 135 (4), 3224-3243, 2006
LMI Conditions for Analysis: A Step Towards Design
S Zoboli, A Cecilia, U Serres, D Astolfi, V Andrieu
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1903-1910, 2023
Exact output stabilization at unobservable points: Analysis via an example
MA Lagache, U Serres, JP Gauthier
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6744-6749, 2017
On Zermelo-like problems: Gauss–Bonnet inequality and E. Hopf theorem
U Serres
Journal of dynamical and control systems 15 (1), 99-131, 2009
Time minimum synthesis for a kinematic drone model
MA Lagache, U Serres, V Andrieu
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4067-4072, 2015
How pilots fly: An inverse optimal control problem approach
T Maillot, U Serres, JP Gauthier, A Ajami
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1792-1797, 2013
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