David B. D'Ambrosio
David B. D'Ambrosio
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A hypercube-based encoding for evolving large-scale neural networks
KO Stanley, DB D'Ambrosio, J Gauci
Artificial life 15 (2), 185-212, 2009
Picbreeder: A case study in collaborative evolutionary exploration of design space
J Secretan, N Beato, DB D'Ambrosio, A Rodriguez, A Campbell, ...
Evolutionary computation 19 (3), 373-403, 2011
Picbreeder: evolving pictures collaboratively online
J Secretan, N Beato, DB D Ambrosio, A Rodriguez, A Campbell, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2008
Generative encoding for multiagent learning
DB D'Ambrosio, KO Stanley
Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2008
A novel generative encoding for exploiting neural network sensor and output geometry
DB D'Ambrosio, KO Stanley
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
Combining search-based procedural content generation and social gaming in the petalz video game
S Risi, J Lehman, D D'Ambrosio, R Hall, K Stanley
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2012
Evolving policy geometry for scalable multiagent learning
DB D'Ambrosio, J Lehman, S Risi, KO Stanley
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2010
Petalz: Search-based procedural content generation for the casual gamer
S Risi, J Lehman, DB D'Ambrosio, R Hall, KO Stanley
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 8 (3), 244-255, 2015
i-sim2real: Reinforcement learning of robotic policies in tight human-robot interaction loops
SW Abeyruwan, L Graesser, DB D’Ambrosio, A Singh, A Shankar, ...
Conference on Robot Learning, 212-224, 2023
HyperNEAT: The first five years
DB D’Ambrosio, J Gauci, KO Stanley
Growing Adaptive Machines: Combining Development and Learning in Artificial …, 2014
Scalable multiagent learning through indirect encoding of policy geometry
DB D’Ambrosio, KO Stanley
Evolutionary Intelligence 6, 1-26, 2013
Encouraging reactivity to create robust machines
J Lehman, S Risi, D D’Ambrosio, K O Stanley
Adaptive Behavior 21 (6), 484-500, 2013
Task switching in multirobot learning through indirect encoding
DB D'Ambrosio, J Lehman, S Risi, KO Stanley
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
Multirobot behavior synchronization through direct neural network communication
DB D’Ambrosio, S Goodell, J Lehman, S Risi, KO Stanley
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 5th International Conference, ICIRA …, 2012
Automatically categorizing procedurally generated content for collecting games
S Risi, J Lehman, DB D’Ambrosio, KO Stanley
Proceedings of the Workshop on Procedural Content Generation in Games (PCG …, 2014
Spin: A high speed, high resolution vision dataset for tracking and action recognition in ping pong
S Schwarcz, P Xu, D D'Ambrosio, J Kangaspunta, A Angelova, H Phan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.06640, 2019
Rewarding reactivity to evolve robust controllers without multiple trials or noise
J Lehman, S Risi, DB D’ambrosio, KO Stanley
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 379-386, 2012
Robotic table tennis: A case study into a high speed learning system
DB D'Ambrosio, J Abelian, S Abeyruwan, M Ahn, A Bewley, J Boyd, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.03315, 2023
Task switching in multiagent learning through indirect encoding
D D’Ambrosio, J Lehman, S Risi, K Stanley
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2011
Learning high speed precision table tennis on a physical robot
T Ding, L Graesser, S Abeyruwan, DB D'Ambrosio, A Shankar, ...
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
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