Performance measurement in blind audio source separation E Vincent, R Gribonval, C Févotte
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 14 (4), 1462-1469, 2006
3712 2006 Wavelets on graphs via spectral graph theory DK Hammond, P Vandergheynst, R Gribonval
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 30 (2), 129-150, 2011
2594 2011 Sparse representations in unions of bases R Gribonval, M Nielsen
IEEE transactions on Information theory 49 (12), 3320-3325, 2003
1119 2003 Under-determined reverberant audio source separation using a full-rank spatial covariance model NQK Duong, E Vincent, R Gribonval
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 18 (7), 1830-1840, 2010
547 2010 The cosparse analysis model and algorithms S Nam, ME Davies, M Elad, R Gribonval
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 34 (1), 30-56, 2013
519 2013 Harmonic decomposition of audio signals with matching pursuit R Gribonval, E Bacry
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 51 (1), 101-111, 2003
333 2003 Audio inpainting A Adler, V Emiya, MG Jafari, M Elad, R Gribonval, MD Plumbley
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 20 (3), 922-932, 2011
315 2011 BSS_EVAL toolbox user guide--Revision 2.0 C Févotte, R Gribonval, E Vincent
304 2005 Sparse representations in audio and music: from coding to source separation MD Plumbley, T Blumensath, L Daudet, R Gribonval, ME Davies
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (6), 995-1005, 2009
301 2009 Fast matching pursuit with a multiscale dictionary of Gaussian chirps R Gribonval
IEEE Transactions on signal Processing 49 (5), 994-1001, 2001
300 2001 Training with quantization noise for extreme model compression A Fan, P Stock, B Graham, E Grave, R Gribonval, H Jegou, A Joulin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07320, 2020
280 2020 Adaptation of Bayesian models for single-channel source separation and its application to voice/music separation in popular songs A Ozerov, P Philippe, F Bimbot, R Gribonval
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 15 (5), 1564-1578, 2007
253 2007 Audio source separation with a single sensor L Benaroya, F Bimbot, R Gribonval
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 (1), 191-199, 2005
248 2005 On the exponential convergence of matching pursuits in quasi-incoherent dictionaries R Gribonval, P Vandergheynst
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (1), 255-261, 2005
244 2005 A survey of sparse component analysis for blind source separation: principles, perspectives, and new challenges R Gribonval, S Lesage
ESANN'06 proceedings-14th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks …, 2006
229 2006 Atoms of all channels, unite! Average case analysis of multi-channel sparse recovery using greedy algorithms R Gribonval, H Rauhut, K Schnass, P Vandergheynst
Journal of Fourier analysis and Applications 14, 655-687, 2008
226 2008 Random sampling of bandlimited signals on graphs G Puy, N Tremblay, R Gribonval, P Vandergheynst
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 44 (2), 446-475, 2018
224 2018 MPTK: Matching pursuit made tractable S Krstulovic, R Gribonval
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
222 2006 Restricted Isometry Constants Where Sparse Recovery Can Fail for ME Davies, R Gribonval
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (5), 2203-2214, 2009
221 2009 From blind to guided audio source separation: How models and side information can improve the separation of sound E Vincent, N Bertin, R Gribonval, F Bimbot
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 31 (3), 107-115, 2014
214 2014