Philipp Kügler
Philipp Kügler
Full Professor of Mathematics, University of Hohenheim
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No facilitator required for membrane transport of hydrogen sulfide
JC Mathai, A Missner, P Kügler, SM Saparov, ML Zeidel, JK Lee, P Pohl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (39), 16633-16638, 2009
Carbon dioxide transport through membranes
A Missner, P Kugler, SM Saparov, K Sommer, JC Mathai, ML Zeidel, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (37), 25340-25347, 2008
Inverse problems in systems biology
HW Engl, C Flamm, P Kügler, J Lu, S Müller, P Schuster
Inverse Problems 25 (12), 123014, 2009
Nonlinear inverse problems: theoretical aspects and some industrial applications
HW Engl, P Kügler
Multidisciplinary methods for analysis optimization and control of complex …, 2005
Equifinality, sloppiness, and emergent structures of mechanistic soil biogeochemical models
GL Marschmann, H Pagel, P Kügler, T Streck
Environmental Modelling & Software 122, 104518, 2019
Passive transport across bilayer lipid membranes: Overton continues to rule
A Missner, P Kügler, YN Antonenko, P Pohl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (52), E123-E123, 2008
Identification of a temperature dependent heat conductivity from single boundary measurements
P Kügler
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 41 (4), 1543-1563, 2003
Early afterdepolarizations with growing amplitudes via delayed subcritical Hopf bifurcations and unstable manifolds of saddle foci in cardiac action potential dynamics
P Kügler
PLoS One 11 (3), e0151178, 2016
Moment fitting for parameter inference in repeatedly and partially observed stochastic biological models
P Kügler
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43001, 2012
A derivative-free Landweber iteration for parameter identification in certain elliptic PDEs
P Kügler
Inverse Problems 19 (6), 1407, 2003
Identification of a temperature dependent heat conductivity by Tikhonov regularization
P Kügler, HW Engl
Journal of inverse and ill-posed problems 10 (1), 67-90, 2002
Early afterdepolarizations in cardiac action potentials as mixed mode oscillations due to a folded node singularity
P Kügler, AH Erhardt, MAK Bulelzai
PLoS One 13 (12), e0209498, 2018
Parameter Identification for Chemical Reaction Systems Using Sparsity Enforcing Regularization: A Case Study for the Chlorite− Iodide Reaction
P Kugler, E Gaubitzer, S Müller
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (12), 2775-2785, 2009
Period doubling cascades of limit cycles in cardiac action potential models as precursors to chaotic early Afterdepolarizations
P Kügler, MAK Bulelzai, AH Erhardt
BMC Systems Biology 11, 1-13, 2017
Mean value iterations for nonlinear elliptic Cauchy problems
P Kügler, A Leitão
Numerische Mathematik 96, 269-293, 2003
Monitoring single-channel water permeability in polarized cells
L Erokhova, A Horner, P Kügler, P Pohl
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (46), 39926-39932, 2011
Gut microbiota patterns predicting long-term weight loss success in individuals with obesity undergoing nonsurgical therapy
SC Bischoff, NK Nguyen, B Seethaler, J Beisner, P Kügler, T Stefan
Nutrients 14 (15), 3182, 2022
Different pathways for activation and deactivation in CaV1.2: a minimal gating model
S Beyl, P Kügler, M Kudrnac, A Hohaus, S Hering, E Timin
Journal of General Physiology 134 (3), 231-241, 2009
A comparison of the Landweber method and the Gauss–Newton method for an inverse parabolic boundary value problem
R Chapko, P Kügler
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 169 (1), 183-196, 2004
The influence of the equation type on iterative parameter identification problems which are elliptic or hyperbolic in the parameter
HW Engl, P Kügler
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 14 (2), 129-163, 2003
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