Yuanding Huang
Yuanding Huang
MagIC-Magnesium innovation Centre, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
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Magnesium alloys as implant materials–Principles of property design for Mg–RE alloys
N Hort, Y Huang, D Fechner, M Störmer, C Blawert, F Witte, C Vogt, ...
Acta biomaterialia 6 (5), 1714-1725, 2010
Recent research and developments on wrought magnesium alloys
S You, Y Huang, KU Kainer, N Hort
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 5 (3), 239-253, 2017
An experimental investigation of the performance and gaseous exhaust emissions of a diesel engine using blends of a vegetable oil
YD Wang, T Al-Shemmeri, P Eames, J McMullan, N Hewitt, Y Huang, ...
Applied thermal engineering 26 (14-15), 1684-1691, 2006
Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy with addition of SiO2 particles
X Lu, C Blawert, Y Huang, H Ovri, ML Zheludkevich, KU Kainer
Electrochimica Acta 187, 20-33, 2016
Intermetallics in magnesium alloys
N Hort, Y Huang, KU Kainer
Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (4), 235-240, 2006
Preparation and properties of high purity Mg–Y biomaterials
Q Peng, Y Huang, L Zhou, N Hort, KU Kainer
Biomaterials 31 (3), 398-403, 2010
Current development of creep-resistant magnesium cast alloys: A review
N Mo, Q Tan, M Bermingham, Y Huang, H Dieringa, N Hort, MX Zhang
Materials & Design 155, 422-442, 2018
Characterization of calcium-modified zinc phosphate conversion coatings and their influences on corrosion resistance of AZ31 alloy
R Zeng, Z Lan, L Kong, Y Huang, H Cui
Surface and Coatings Technology 205 (11), 3347-3355, 2011
Microstructural investigations of the Mg‐Sn‐xCa system
N Hort, Y Huang, T Abu Leil, P Maier, KU Kainer
Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (5), 359-364, 2006
Investigations on microstructures, mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg–Gd–Zn alloys
A Srinivasan, Y Huang, CL Mendis, C Blawert, KU Kainer, N Hort
Materials Science and Engineering: A 595, 224-234, 2014
COVID-19 vaccine trials should seek worthwhile efficacy
P Krause, TR Fleming, I Longini, AM Henao-Restrepo, R Peto, NE Dean, ...
The Lancet 396 (10253), 741-743, 2020
A technical and environmental analysis of co-combustion of coal and biomass in fluidised bed technologies
DR McIlveen-Wright, Y Huang, S Rezvani, Y Wang
Fuel 86 (14), 2032-2042, 2007
Techno-economic study of CO2 capture and storage in coal fired oxygen fed entrained flow IGCC power plants
Y Huang, S Rezvani, D McIlveen-Wright, A Minchener, N Hewitt
Fuel processing technology 89 (9), 916-925, 2008
Mechanical and corrosion properties of binary Mg–Dy alloys for medical applications
L Yang, Y Huang, Q Peng, F Feyerabend, KU Kainer, R Willumeit, N Hort
Materials Science and Engineering: B 176 (20), 1827-1834, 2011
Microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg–Dy–Gd–Zr alloys for medical applications
L Yang, Y Huang, F Feyerabend, R Willumeit, C Mendis, KU Kainer, ...
Acta biomaterialia 9 (10), 8499-8508, 2013
Fabrication of a high strength Mg–11Gd–4.5 Y–1Nd–1.5 Zn–0.5 Zr (wt%) alloy by thermomechanical treatments
Z Yu, Y Huang, X Qiu, G Wang, F Meng, N Hort, J Meng
Materials Science and Engineering: A 622, 121-130, 2015
An in vivo study on the metabolism and osteogenic activity of bioabsorbable Mg–1Sr alloy
D Tie, R Guan, H Liu, A Cipriano, Y Liu, Q Wang, Y Huang, N Hort
Acta biomaterialia 29, 455-467, 2016
Element distribution in the corrosion layer and cytotoxicity of alloy Mg–10Dy during in vitro biodegradation
L Yang, N Hort, D Laipple, D Höche, Y Huang, KU Kainer, R Willumeit, ...
Acta biomaterialia 9 (10), 8475-8487, 2013
Calculation of Schmid factor in Mg alloys: Influence of stress state
D Xia, X Chen, G Huang, B Jiang, A Tang, H Yang, S Gavras, Y Huang, ...
Scripta Materialia 171, 31-35, 2019
Corrosion behavior of Mg–Gd–Zn based alloys in aqueous NaCl solution
A Srinivasan, C Blawert, Y Huang, CL Mendis, KU Kainer, N Hort
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 2 (3), 245-256, 2014
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