Xiaoli Ding
Xiaoli Ding
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Resolving three-dimensional surface displacements from InSAR measurements: A review
J Hu, ZW Li, XL Ding, JJ Zhu, L Zhang, Q Sun
Earth-Science Reviews 133, 1-17, 2014
Atmospheric effects on InSAR measurements and their mitigation
X Ding, Z Li, J Zhu, G Feng, J Long
Sensors 8 (9), 5426-5448, 2008
Fast statistically homogeneous pixel selection for covariance matrix estimation for multitemporal InSAR
M Jiang, X Ding, RF Hanssen, R Malhotra, L Chang
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 53 (3), 1213-1224, 2014
Mapping ground surface deformation using temporarily coherent point SAR interferometry: Application to Los Angeles Basin
L Zhang, Z Lu, X Ding, H Jung, G Feng, CW Lee
Remote Sensing of Environment 117, 429-439, 2012
Slope deformation prior to Zhouqu, China landslide from InSAR time series analysis
Q Sun, L Zhang, XL Ding, J Hu, ZW Li, JJ Zhu
Remote Sensing of Environment 156, 45-57, 2015
Glacier mass balance in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and its surroundings from the mid-1970s to 2000 based on Hexagon KH-9 and SRTM DEMs
Y Zhou, Z Li, J Li, R Zhao, X Ding
Remote sensing of Environment 210, 96-112, 2018
Ground subsidence monitoring in Hong Kong with satellite SAR interferometry
XL Ding, GX Liu, ZW Li, ZL Li, YQ Chen
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70 (10), 1151-1156, 2004
Modeling PSInSAR time series without phase unwrapping
L Zhang, X Ding, Z Lu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49 (1), 547-556, 2010
A comparison of waveform processing algorithms for single-wavelength LiDAR bathymetry
C Wang, Q Li, Y Liu, G Wu, P Liu, X Ding
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 101, 22-35, 2015
Coseismic fault slip of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake estimated from InSAR and GPS measurements
GC Feng, EA Hetland, XL Ding, ZW Li, L Zhang
Geophysical research letters 37 (1), 2010
An integrated GPS–accelerometer data processing technique for structural deformation monitoring
WS Chan, YL Xu, XL Ding, WJ Dai
Journal of Geodesy 80, 705-719, 2006
Ground settlement monitoring based on temporarily coherent points between two SAR acquisitions
L Zhang, X Ding, Z Lu
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (1), 146-152, 2011
Sidereal filtering based on single differences for mitigating GPS multipath effects on short baselines
P Zhong, X Ding, L Yuan, Y Xu, K Kwok, Y Chen
Journal of geodesy 84, 145-158, 2010
3D coseismic displacement of 2010 Darfield, New Zealand earthquake estimated from multi-aperture InSAR and D-InSAR measurements
J Hu, ZW Li, XL Ding, JJ Zhu, L Zhang, Q Sun
Journal of Geodesy 86, 1029-1041, 2012
Improved filtering parameter determination for the Goldstein radar interferogram filter
ZW Li, XL Ding, C Huang, JJ Zhu, YL Chen
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 63 (6), 621-634, 2008
Filtering GPS time-series using a Vondrak filter and cross-validation
DW Zheng, P Zhong, XL Ding, W Chen
Journal of Geodesy 79, 363-369, 2005
Assessment of dynamic measurement accuracy of GPS in three directions
WS Chan, YL Xu, XL Ding, YL Xiong, WJ Dai
Journal of surveying engineering 132 (3), 108-117, 2006
基于经验模式分解的滤波去噪法及其在 GPS 多路径效应中的应用
戴吾蛟, 丁晓利, 朱建军, 陈永奇, 李志伟
测绘学报 35 (4), 321-327, 2006
The shape of circumferential weld-induced imperfections in thin-walled steel silos and tanks
M Pircher, PA Berry, X Ding, RQ Bridge
Thin-Walled Structures 39 (12), 999-1014, 2001
Estimating Spatiotemporal Ground Deformation With Improved Persistent-Scatterer Radar Interferometry
G Liu, SM Buckley, X Ding, Q Chen, X Luo
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47 (9), 3209-3219, 2009
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