silvia liberata Ullo
silvia liberata Ullo
"Università degli studi del Sannio" & “CoNISMa" & COIIM
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Advances in smart environment monitoring systems using IoT and sensors
SL Ullo, GR Sinha
Sensors 20 (11), 3113, 2020
Land-use and land-cover classification using a human group-based particle swarm optimization algorithm with an LSTM Classifier on hybrid pre-processing remote-sensing images
GB Rajendran, UM Kumarasamy, C Zarro, PB Divakarachari, SL Ullo
Remote Sensing 12 (24), 4135, 2020
Advances in IoT and smart sensors for remote sensing and agriculture applications
SL Ullo, GR Sinha
Remote Sensing 13 (13), 2585, 2021
A new mask R-CNN-based method for improved landslide detection
SL Ullo, A Mohan, A Sebastianelli, SE Ahamed, B Kumar, R Dwivedi, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
On circuit-based hybrid quantum neural networks for remote sensing imagery classification
A Sebastianelli, DA Zaidenberg, D Spiller, B Le Saux, SL Ullo
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
Radar detection of signals with unknown parameters in K-distributed clutter
E Conte, M Longo, M Lops, SL Ullo
IEE Proceedings F (Radar and Signal Processing) 138 (2), 131-138, 1991
Contribution of Sentinel-2 data for applications in vegetation monitoring
P Addabbo, M Focareta, S Marcuccio, C Votto, SL Ullo
ACTA IMEKO 5 (2), 44-54, 2016
A UAV infrared measurement approach for defect detection in photovoltaic plants
P Addabbo, A Angrisano, ML Bernardi, G Gagliarde, A Mennella, M Nisi, ...
2017 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace …, 2017
Application of DInSAR Technique to High Coherence Sentinel-1 Images for Dam Monitoring and Result Validation Through In Situ Measurements
SL Ullo, P Addabbo, D Di Martire, S Sica, N Fiscante, L Cicala, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2019
The role of pervasive and cooperative sensor networks in smart grids communication
S Ullo, A Vaccaro, G Velotto
MELECON 2010-2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 443-447, 2010
Smaller satellites, larger constellations: Trends and design issues for earth observation systems
S Marcuccio, S Ullo, M Carminati, O Kanoun
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 34 (10), 50-59, 2019
Landslide susceptibility assessment of wildfire burnt areas through earth-observation techniques and a machine learning-based approach
M Di Napoli, P Marsiglia, D Di Martire, M Ramondini, SL Ullo, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (15), 2505, 2020
Hybrid computerized method for environmental sound classification
SL Ullo, SK Khare, V Bajaj, GR Sinha
IEEE Access 8, 124055-124065, 2020
Prospects of distributed wireless sensor networks for urban environmental monitoring
M Carminati, O Kanoun, SL Ullo, S Marcuccio
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 34 (6), 44-52, 2019
UAV system for photovoltaic plant inspection
P Addabbo, A Angrisano, ML Bernardi, G Gagliarde, A Mennella, M Nisi, ...
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 33 (8), 58-67, 2018
A step toward the standardization of maintenance and training services in C4I military systems with Mixed Reality application
SL Ullo, P Piedimonte, F Leccese, E De Francesco
Measurement 138, 149-156, 2019
On-board volcanic eruption detection through cnns and satellite multispectral imagery
MP Del Rosso, A Sebastianelli, D Spiller, PP Mathieu, SL Ullo
Remote Sensing 13 (17), 3479, 2021
Destriping MODIS data using overlapping field-of-view method
M Di Bisceglie, R Episcopo, C Galdi, SL Ullo
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 47 (2), 637-651, 2009
Perspectives on the structural health monitoring of bridges by synthetic aperture radar
F Biondi, P Addabbo, SL Ullo, C Clemente, D Orlando
Remote Sensing 12 (23), 3852, 2020
Application of wireless sensor networks to environmental monitoring for sustainable mobility
S Ullo, M Gallo, G Palmieri, P Amenta, M Russo, G Romano, M Ferrucci, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Environmental Engineering (EE), 1-7, 2018
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Artikel 1–20