Ross Welch
Ross Welch
USDA-ARS (retired) and Professor of Plant Nutrition, Cornell University
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Breeding for micronutrients in staple food crops from a human nutrition perspective
RM Welch, RD Graham
Journal of experimental botany 55 (396), 353-364, 2004
Biofortification—a sustainable agricultural strategy for reducing micronutrient malnutrition in the global south
HE Bouis, RM Welch
Crop science 50, S-20-S-32, 2010
Micronutrient nutrition of plants
RM Welch, L Shuman
Critical Reviews in plant sciences 14 (1), 49-82, 1995
A new paradigm for world agriculture: meeting human needs: productive, sustainable, nutritious
RM Welch, RD Graham
Field crops research 60 (1-2), 1-10, 1999
Addressing micronutrient malnutrition through enhancing the nutritional quality of staple foods: principles, perspectives and knowledge gaps
RD Graham, RM Welch, HE Bouis
Academic Press 70, 77-142, 2001
Nickel: A micronutrient essential for higher plants
PH Brown, RM Welch, EE Cary
Plant physiology 85 (3), 801-803, 1987
Nutritious subsistence food systems
RD Graham, RM Welch, DA Saunders, I Ortiz‐Monasterio, HE Bouis, ...
Advances in agronomy 92, 1-74, 2007
Characterization of cadmium binding, uptake, and translocation in intact seedlings of bread and durum wheat cultivars
JJ Hart, RM Welch, WA Norvell, LA Sullivan, LV Kochian
Plant physiology 116 (4), 1413-1420, 1998
Nickel: an essential micronutrient for legumes and possibly all higher plants
DL Eskew, RM Welch, EE Cary
Science 222 (4624), 621-623, 1983
Breeding for staple food crops with high micronutrient density
RD Graham, RM Welch
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 1996
Breeding crops for enhanced micronutrient content
RM Welch, RD Graham
Food security in nutrient-stressed environments: Exploiting plants’ genetic …, 2002
Food system strategies for preventing micronutrient malnutrition
DD Miller, RM Welch
Food policy 42, 115-128, 2013
Transport interactions between cadmium and zinc in roots of bread and durum wheat seedlings
JJ Hart, RM Welch, WA Norvell, LV Kochian
Physiologia Plantarum 116 (1), 73-78, 2002
An improved understanding of soil Cd risk to humans and low cost methods to phytoextract Cd from contaminated soils to prevent soil Cd risks
RL Chaney, PG Reeves, JA Ryan, RW Simmons, RM Welch, ...
Biometals 17 (5), 549-553, 2004
The impact of mineral nutrients in food crops on global human health
RM Welch
Plant and Soil 247, 83-90, 2002
Agriculture: the real nexus for enhancing bioavailable micronutrients in food crops
RM Welch, RD Graham
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 18 (4), 299-307, 2005
Historical shifts in the seed mineral micronutrient concentration of US hard red winter wheat germplasm
DF Garvin, RM Welch, JW Finley
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86 (13), 2213-2220, 2006
Nickel in higher plants: further evidence for an essential role
DL Eskew, RM Welch, WA Norvell
Plant physiology 76 (3), 691-693, 1984
A comparison of the effects of micronutrient seed priming and soil fertilization on the mineral nutrition of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), lentil (Lens culinaris), rice (Oryza …
SE Johnson, JG Lauren, RM Welch, JM Duxbury
Experimental Agriculture 41 (4), 427-448, 2005
Association of cadmium in durum wheat grain with soil chloride and chelate‐extractable soil cadmium
WA Norvell, J Wu, DG Hopkins, RM Welch
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (6), 2162-2168, 2000
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