Vincent van Unen
Vincent van Unen
Assistant Professor, Leiden University Medical Center
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Progenitor identification and SARS-CoV-2 infection in human distal lung organoids
AA Salahudeen, SS Choi, A Rustagi, J Zhu, V van Unen, SM de la O, ...
Nature 588 (7839), 670-675, 2020
Visual analysis of mass cytometry data by hierarchical stochastic neighbour embedding reveals rare cell types
V Van Unen, T Höllt, N Pezzotti, N Li, MJT Reinders, E Eisemann, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1740, 2017
KIR+CD8+ T cells suppress pathogenic T cells and are active in autoimmune diseases and COVID-19
J Li, M Zaslavsky, Y Su, J Guo, MJ Sikora, V van Unen, A Christophersen, ...
Science 376 (6590), eabi9591, 2022
Chronic inflammation permanently reshapes tissue-resident immunity in celiac disease
T Mayassi, K Ladell, H Gudjonson, JE McLaren, DG Shaw, MT Tran, ...
Cell 176 (5), 967-981. e19, 2019
Intratumoral HPV16-specific T cells constitute a type I–oriented tumor microenvironment to improve survival in HPV16-driven oropharyngeal cancer
MJP Welters, W Ma, SJAM Santegoets, R Goedemans, I Ehsan, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 24 (3), 634-647, 2018
Mass cytometry of the human mucosal immune system identifies tissue-and disease-associated immune subsets
V Van Unen, N Li, I Molendijk, M Temurhan, T Höllt, ...
Immunity 44 (5), 1227-1239, 2016
Cytosplore: interactive immune cell phenotyping for large single‐cell datasets
T Höllt, N Pezzotti, V van Unen, F Koning, E Eisemann, B Lelieveldt, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 171-180, 2016
Memory CD4+ T cells are generated in the human fetal intestine
N Li, V van Unen, T Abdelaal, N Guo, SA Kasatskaya, K Ladell, ...
Nature immunology 20 (3), 301-312, 2019
The contribution of cytomegalovirus infection to immune senescence is set by the infectious dose
A Redeker, EBM Remmerswaal, ETI van der Gracht, SPM Welten, T Höllt, ...
Frontiers in Immunology 8, 1953, 2018
High-dimensional cytometric analysis of colorectal cancer reveals novel mediators of antitumour immunity
NL De Vries, V Van Unen, ME Ijsselsteijn, T Abdelaal, R Van Der Breggen, ...
Gut 69 (4), 691-703, 2020
ImaCytE: visual exploration of cellular micro-environments for imaging mass cytometry data
A Somarakis, V Van Unen, F Koning, B Lelieveldt, T Höllt
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 27 (1), 98-110, 2019
Mass cytometry reveals innate lymphoid cell differentiation pathways in the human fetal intestine
N Li, V van Unen, T Höllt, A Thompson, J van Bergen, N Pezzotti, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 215 (5), 1383-1396, 2018
High-resolution imaging and single-cell analysis via laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for the determination of membranous receptor expression levels …
T Van Acker, T Buckle, SJM Van Malderen, DM van Willigen, V van Unen, ...
Analytica chimica acta 1074, 43-53, 2019
PD-L1 blockade engages tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes to co-express targetable activating and inhibitory receptors
G Beyrend, E van der Gracht, A Yilmaz, S van Duikeren, M Camps, T Höllt, ...
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer 7, 1-14, 2019
Predicting cell populations in single cell mass cytometry data
T Abdelaal, V van Unen, T Höllt, F Koning, MJT Reinders, A Mahfouz
Cytometry Part A 95 (7), 769-781, 2019
The anatomical location shapes the immune infiltrate in tumors of same etiology and affects survival
SJ Santegoets, VJ van Ham, I Ehsan, P Charoentong, CL Duurland, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 25 (1), 240-252, 2019
Helminth infections drive heterogeneity in human type 2 and regulatory cells
K de Ruiter, SP Jochems, DL Tahapary, KA Stam, M König, V van Unen, ...
Science translational medicine 12 (524), eaaw3703, 2020
Maturing human CD127+ CCR7+ PDL1+ dendritic cells express AIRE in the absence of tissue restricted antigens
JR Fergusson, MD Morgan, M Bruchard, L Huitema, BA Heesters, ...
Frontiers in immunology 9, 2902, 2019
Systems analysis and controlled malaria infection in Europeans and Africans elucidate naturally acquired immunity
SE de Jong, V van Unen, MD Manurung, KA Stam, JJ Goeman, ...
Nature Immunology 22 (5), 654-665, 2021
A 34-marker panel for imaging mass cytometric analysis of human snap-frozen tissue
N Guo, V Van Unen, ME Ijsselsteijn, LF Ouboter, AE Van der Meulen, ...
Frontiers in immunology 11, 1466, 2020
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