Maarten Vergauwen
Maarten Vergauwen
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Visual modeling with a hand-held camera
M Pollefeys, L Van Gool, M Vergauwen, F Verbiest, K Cornelis, J Tops, ...
International Journal of Computer Vision 59, 207-232, 2004
Web-based 3D reconstruction service
M Vergauwen, L Van Gool
Machine vision and applications 17 (6), 411-426, 2006
Automated reconstruction of 3D scenes from sequences of images
M Pollefeys, R Koch, M Vergauwen, L Van Gool
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 55 (4), 251-267, 2000
3D reconstruction from multiple images part 1: Principles
T Moons, L Van Gool, M Vergauwen
Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision 4 (4), 287-404, 2010
A hierarchical symmetric stereo algorithm using dynamic programming
G Van Meerbergen, M Vergauwen, M Pollefeys, L Van Gool
International Journal of Computer Vision 47, 275-285, 2002
Metric 3D surface reconstruction from uncalibrated image sequences
M Pollefeys, R Koch, M Vergauwen, L Van Gool
European Workshop on 3D Structure from Multiple Images of Large-Scale …, 1998
The IFC to linked building data converter: current status
M Bonduel, J Oraskari, P Pauwels, M Vergauwen, R Klein
6th International Workshop on Linked Data in Architecture and Construction …, 2018
Hand-held acquisition of 3D models with a video camera
M Pollefeys, R Koch, M Vergauwen, L Van Gool
Second International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (Cat. No …, 1999
Unsupervised reconstruction of Building Information Modeling wall objects from point cloud data
M Bassier, M Vergauwen
Automation in construction 120, 103338, 2020
Three-dimensional scene reconstruction from images
M Pollefeys, R Koch, M Vergauwen, AA Deknuydt, LJ Van Gool
Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications III 3958, 215-226, 2000
Image-based 3D acquisition of archaeological heritage and applications
M Pollefeys, L Van Gool, M Vergauwen, K Cornelis, F Verbiest, J Tops
Proceedings of the 2001 conference on Virtual reality, archeology, and …, 2001
3D recording for archaeological fieldwork
M Pollefeys, L Van Gool, M Vergauwen, K Cornelis, F Verbiest, J Tops
IEEE Computer Graphics and applications 23 (3), 20-27, 2003
Augmented reality using uncalibrated video sequences
K Cornelis, M Pollefeys, M Vergauwen, L Van Gool
European Workshop on 3D Structure from Multiple Images of Large-Scale …, 2000
Classification of sensor independent point cloud data of building objects using random forests
M Bassier, B Van Genechten, M Vergauwen
Journal of Building Engineering 21, 468-477, 2019
Implementation of scan-to-BIM and FEM for the documentation and analysis of heritage timber roof structures
M Bassier, G Hadjidemetriou, M Vergauwen, N Van Roy, E Verstrynge
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation …, 2016
Automated classification of heritage buildings for as-built BIM using machine learning techniques
M Bassier, M Vergauwen, B Van Genechten
ISPRS Annals of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information …, 2017
A stereo-vision system for support of planetary surface exploration
M Vergauwen, M Pollefeys, L Van Gool
Machine Vision and Applications 14, 5-14, 2003
M Pollefeys, L Van Gool, M Vergauwen, F Verbiest, K Cornelis, J Tops
International archives of photogrammetry remote sensing and spatial …, 2002
Including widespread geometry formats in semantic graphs using RDF literals
M Bonduel, A Wagner, P Pauwels, M Vergauwen, R Klein
2019 European Conference on Computing in Construction, 341-350, 2019
Point cloud vs. mesh features for building interior classification
M Bassier, M Vergauwen, F Poux
Remote Sensing 12 (14), 2224, 2020
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