Dr Aimone Porri
Dr Aimone Porri
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Spatially distinct regulatory roles for gibberellins in the promotion of flowering of Arabidopsis under long photoperiods
A Porri, S Torti, M Romera-Branchat, G Coupland
Development 139 (12), 2198-2209, 2012
Multi-layered regulation of SPL15 and cooperation with SOC1 integrate endogenous flowering pathways at the Arabidopsis shoot meristem
Y Hyun, R Richter, C Vincent, R Martinez-Gallegos, A Porri, G Coupland
Developmental cell 37 (3), 254-266, 2016
SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE reduces gibberellin biosynthesis at the Arabidopsis shoot apex to regulate the floral transition
F Andrés*, A Porri*, S Torti*, J Mateos, M Romera-Branchat, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (26), E2760-E2769, 2014
DELLA-interacting SWI3C core subunit of switch/sucrose nonfermenting chromatin remodeling complex modulates gibberellin responses and hormonal cross talk in Arabidopsis
EA Sarnowska, AT Rolicka, E Bucior, P Cwiek, T Tohge, AR Fernie, ...
Plant physiology 163 (1), 305-317, 2013
The (r)evolution of gene regulatory networks controlling Arabidopsis plant reproduction: a two-decade history
A Pajoro, S Biewers, E Dougali, F Leal Valentim, MA Mendes, A Porri, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (17), 4731-4745, 2014
Natural diversity in daily rhythms of gene expression contributes to phenotypic variation
A De Montaigu, A Giakountis, M Rubin, R Tóth, F Cremer, V Sokolova, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (3), 905-910, 2015
Identification of Arabidopsis SUMO-interacting proteins that regulate chromatin activity and developmental transitions
N Elrouby, MV Bonequi, A Porri, G Coupland
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (49), 19956-19961, 2013
A novel single-site mutation in the catalytic domain of protoporphyrinogen oxidase IX (PPO) confers resistance to PPO-inhibiting herbicides
G Rangani, RA Salas-Perez, RA Aponte, M Knapp, IR Craig, T Mietzner, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 568, 2019
Pyroxasulfone resistance in Lolium rigidum is metabolism-based
R Busi, A Porri, TA Gaines, SB Powles
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology 148, 74-80, 2018
SWP73 subunits of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes play distinct roles in leaf and flower development
SP Sacharowski, DM Gratkowska, EA Sarnowska, P Kondrak, I Jancewicz, ...
The Plant Cell 27 (7), 1889-1906, 2015
Fusarium oxysporum degradation and detoxification of a new textile-glycoconjugate azo dye (GAD)
A Porri, R Baroncelli, L Guglielminetti, S Sarrocco, L Guazzelli, M Forti, ...
Fungal Biology 115 (1), 30-37, 2011
A novel mutation A212T in chloroplast Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO1) confers resistance to PPO inhibitor Oxadiazon in Eleusine indica
B Bi, Q Wang, JJ Coleman, A Porri, JM Peppers, JD Patel, M Betz, ...
Pest management science 76 (5), 1786-1794, 2020
Cinmethylin controls multiple herbicide‐resistant Lolium rigidum and its wheat selectivity is P450‐based
R Busi, FE Dayan, I Francis, D Goggin, J Lerchl, A Porri, SB Powles, ...
Pest management science 76 (8), 2601-2608, 2020
Standing genetic variation fuels rapid evolution of herbicide resistance in blackgrass
S Kersten, J Chang, CD Huber, Y Voichek, C Lanz, T Hagmaier, P Lang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (16), e2206808120, 2023
Functional PPO2 mutations: co‐occurrence in one plant or the same ppo2 allele of herbicide‐resistant Amaranthus palmeri in the US mid‐south
MM Noguera, G Rangani, J Heiser, T Bararpour, LE Steckel, M Betz, ...
Pest Management Science 77 (2), 1001-1012, 2021
Herbicide resistance across the Australi an continent
R Busi, HJ Beckie, A Bates, T Boyes, C Davey, B Haskins, S Mock, ...
Pest Management Science 77 (11), 5139-5148, 2021
Inhibition profile of trifludimoxazin towards PPO2 target site mutations
A Porri*, M Betz*, K Seebruck, M Knapp, P Johnen, M Witschel, R Aponte, ...
Pest Management Science, 2022
Discovery, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, and plan of action for sustainable use of Group 14 herbicides
AL Barker, J Pawlak, SO Duke, R Beffa, PJ Tranel, J Wuerffel, B Young, ...
Weed Science 71 (3), 173-188, 2023
Involvement of glutamine synthetase 2 (GS2) amplification and overexpression in Amaranthus palmeri resistance to glufosinate
MM Noguera*, A Porri*, IS Werle, J Heiser, F Brändle, J Lerchl, B Murphy, ...
Planta 256 (3), 1-14, 2022
Field-Evolved ΔG210-ppo2 from Palmer Amaranth Confers Pre-emergence Tolerance to PPO-Inhibitors in Rice and Arabidopsis
P Carvalho-Moore, G Rangani, AC Langaro, V Srivastava, A Porri, ...
Genes 13 (6), 1044, 2022
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