Mark Dykman
Mark Dykman
Professor of Physics, Michigan State University
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Quantum computing with electrons floating on liquid helium
PM Platzman, MI Dykman
Science 284 (5422), 1967-1969, 1999
Ultrasensitive force detection with a nanotube mechanical resonator
J Moser, J Güttinger, A Eichler, MJ Esplandiu, DE Liu, MI Dykman, ...
Nature nanotechnology 8 (7), 493-496, 2013
Large fluctuations and optimal paths in chemical kinetics
MI Dykman, E Mori, J Ross, PM Hunt
The Journal of chemical physics 100 (8), 5735-5750, 1994
Nanotube mechanical resonators with quality factors of up to 5 million
J Moser, A Eichler, J Güttinger, MI Dykman, A Bachtold
Nature nanotechnology 9 (12), 1007-1011, 2014
Theory of fluctuational transitions between stable states of a nonlinear oscillator
MI Dykman, MA Krivoglaz
Sov. Phys. JETP 50 (1), 30-37, 1979
Thermally activated transitions in a bistable three-dimensional optical trap
LI McCann, M Dykman, B Golding
Nature 402 (6763), 785-787, 1999
Stochastic resonance in perspective
MI Dykman, DG Luchinsky, R Mannella, PVE McClintock, ND Stein, ...
Il Nuovo Cimento D 17, 661-683, 1995
Computational multiqubit tunnelling in programmable quantum annealers
S Boixo, VN Smelyanskiy, A Shabani, SV Isakov, M Dykman, VS Denchev, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10327, 2016
Transport and current reversal in stochastically driven ratchets
MM Millonas, MI Dykman
Physics Letters A 185 (1), 65-69, 1994
Fluctuating nonlinear oscillators: from nanomechanics to quantum superconducting circuits
M Dykman
Oxford University Press, 2012
Analogue studies of nonlinear systems
DG Luchinsky, PVE McClintock, MI Dykman
Reports on Progress in Physics 61 (8), 889, 1998
Comment on ‘‘Stochastic resonance in bistable systems’’
MI Dykman, R Mannella, PVE McClintock, NG Stocks
Physical review letters 65 (20), 2606, 1990
Optimal paths and the prehistory problem for large fluctuations in noise-driven systems
MI Dykman, PVE McClintock, VN Smelyanski, ND Stein, NG Stocks
Physical Review Letters 68 (18), 2718, 1992
Large fluctuations and fluctuational transitions in systems driven by colored Gaussian noise: A high-frequency noise
MI Dykman
Physical Review A 42 (4), 2020, 1990
Qubits with electrons on liquid helium
MI Dykman, PM Platzman, P Seddighrad
Physical Review B 67 (15), 155402, 2003
Classical theory of nonlinear oscillators interacting with a medium
MI Dykman, MA Krivoglaz
physica status solidi (b) 48 (2), 497-512, 1971
Switching via quantum activation: A parametrically modulated oscillator
M Marthaler, MI Dykman
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (4), 042108, 2006
Phase shifts in stochastic resonance
MI Dykman, R Mannella, PVE McClintock, NG Stocks
Physical review letters 68 (20), 2985, 1992
Observable and hidden singular features of large fluctuations in nonequilibrium systems
MI Dykman, MM Millonas, VN Smelyanskiy
Physics Letters A 195 (1), 53-58, 1994
Fluctuations in nonlinear systems near bifurcations corresponding to the appearance of new stable states
MI Dykman, MA Krivoglaz
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 104 (3), 480-494, 1980
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