Jason Moser
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The feedback-related negativity reflects the binary evaluation of good versus bad outcomes
G Hajcak, JS Moser, CB Holroyd, RF Simons
Biological psychology 71 (2), 148-154, 2006
On the ERN and the significance of errors
G Hajcak, JS Moser, N Yeung, RF Simons
Psychophysiology 42 (2), 151-160, 2005
Brain potentials associated with expected and unexpected good and bad outcomes
G Hajcak, CB Holroyd, JS Moser, RF Simons
Psychophysiology 42 (2), 161-170, 2005
It's worse than you thought: The feedback negativity and violations of reward prediction in gambling tasks
G Hajcak, JS Moser, CB Holroyd, RF Simons
Psychophysiology 44 (6), 905-912, 2007
Self-talk as a regulatory mechanism: how you do it matters.
E Kross, E Bruehlman-Senecal, J Park, A Burson, A Dougherty, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (2), 304, 2014
Intentional modulation of emotional responding to unpleasant pictures: An ERP study
JS Moser, G Hajcak, E Bukay, RF Simons
Psychophysiology 43 (3), 292-296, 2006
Mind your errors: Evidence for a neural mechanism linking growth mind-set to adaptive posterror adjustments
JS Moser, HS Schroder, C Heeter, TP Moran, YH Lee
Psychological science 22 (12), 1484-1489, 2011
On the relationship between anxiety and error monitoring: a meta-analysis and conceptual framework
JS Moser, TP Moran, HS Schroder, MB Donnellan, N Yeung
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 466, 2013
Attending to affect: appraisal strategies modulate the electrocortical response to arousing pictures.
G Hajcak, JS Moser, RF Simons
Emotion 6 (3), 517, 2006
Context in the clinic: how well do cognitive-behavioral therapies and medications work in combination?
EB Foa, ME Franklin, J Moser
Biological psychiatry 52 (10), 987-997, 2002
The role of implicit theories in mental health symptoms, emotion regulation, and hypothetical treatment choices in college students
HS Schroder, S Dawood, MM Yalch, MB Donnellan, JS Moser
Cognitive therapy and research 39, 120-139, 2015
The psychometric properties of the late positive potential during emotion processing and regulation
TP Moran, AA Jendrusina, JS Moser
Brain research 1516, 66-75, 2013
Electrophysiological correlates of decreasing and increasing emotional responses to unpleasant pictures
JS Moser, JW Krompinger, J Dietz, RF Simons
Psychophysiology 46 (1), 17-27, 2009
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in trauma-exposed college students: The role of trauma-related cognitions, gender, and negative affect
JS Moser, G Hajcak, RF Simons, EB Foa
Journal of anxiety disorders 21 (8), 1039-1049, 2007
Modulations of the electrophysiological response to pleasant stimuli by cognitive reappraisal.
JW Krompinger, JS Moser, RF Simons
Emotion 8 (1), 132, 2008
Growth mindset of anxiety buffers the link between stressful life events and psychological distress and coping strategies
HS Schroder, MM Yalch, S Dawood, CP Callahan, MB Donnellan, ...
Personality and individual differences 110, 23-26, 2017
Culture shapes electrocortical responses during emotion suppression
A Murata, JS Moser, S Kitayama
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 8 (5), 595-601, 2013
Face processing biases in social anxiety: an electrophysiological study
JS Moser, JD Huppert, E Duval, RF Simons
Biological psychology 78 (1), 93-103, 2008
The measurement and impact of childhood teasing in a sample of young adults
EA Storch, DA Roth, ME Coles, RG Heimberg, EA Bravata, J Moser
Journal of anxiety disorders 18 (5), 681-694, 2004
Third-person self-talk facilitates emotion regulation without engaging cognitive control: Converging evidence from ERP and fMRI
JS Moser, A Dougherty, WI Mattson, B Katz, TP Moran, D Guevarra, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4519, 2017
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