Peter Palček
Peter Palček
pedagóg ŽU
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Mechanical and fracture properties of an AZ91 Magnesium alloy reinforced by Si and SiC particles
Z Trojanová, V Gärtnerová, A Jäger, A Námešný, M Chalupová, P Palček, ...
Composites Science and technology 69 (13), 2256-2264, 2009
Low and High-frequency Fatigue Testing
O Bokůvka, G Nicoletto, L Kunz, P Palček, M Chalupová
University of Žilina, 2002
Characterization of microstructure and tempering response of conventionally quenched, short-and long-time sub-zero treated PM Vanadis 6 ledeburitic tool steel
P Jurči, M Dománková, M Hudáková, J Ptačinová, M Pašák, P Palček
Materials Characterization 134, 398-415, 2017
Fatigue of materials at low and high frequency loading
O Bokuvka, G Nicoletto, M Guagliano, L Kunz, P Palcek, F Novy, ...
Zilina University Publisher, 2014
Deformation behaviour of Mg–0.7 wt.% Nd alloy
V Gärtnerová, Z Trojanová, A Jäger, P Palček
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 378 (1-2), 180-183, 2004
The investigation of the fatigue failure of passenger carriage draw-hook
R Ulewicz, F Nový, P Novák, P Palček
Engineering Failure Analysis 104, 609-616, 2019
Konštrukčné materiály
P Skočovský, P Palček, R Konečná, L Várkoly
Žilinská univerzita, 2000
Materials science
P Skočovský, O Bokůvka, P Palček
EDIS-University in Žilina: Žilina, SK, 5-15, 1996
Tensile and fracture properties of an Mg-RE-Zn alloy at elevated temperatures
Z Trojanova, T Donič, P Lukáč, P Palček, M Chalupova, E Tillova, ...
Journal of Rare Earths 32 (6), 564-572, 2014
Change of internal friction on aluminium alloy with 10.1% Mg dependence on the temperature
M Uhríčik, P Palček, A Soviarová, P Snopiński
Manufacturing technology 14 (3), 467-470, 2014
Náuka o materiáli
P Skočovský, O Bokůvka, P Palček
Vysoká škola dopravy a spojov-Edičné stredisko, 1996
Prediction of machine element durability
P Palček
University of Žilina, 2003
Change of magnetic properties in austenitic stainless steels due to plastic deformation
T Oršulová, P Palček, M Roszak, M Uhríčik, M Smetana, J Kúdelčík
Procedia Structural integrity 13, 1689-1694, 2018
Influence of friction welding parameters on properties of the Al-Cu joint
N Ratkovic, D Arsić, V Lazic, R Nikolic, B Hadzima, P Palcek
Effects of modifying the hypoeutectic AlMg5Si2Mn alloy via addition of Al10Sr and/or Al5TiB
P Snopiński, M Król, T Wróbel, K Matus, A Woźniak, T Tański, P Palček
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 21, 1-16, 2021
Analysis of fractured screw shaped Ti6Al4V dental implant
V Zatkalíková, P Palček, L Markovičová, M Chalupová
Materials Today: Proceedings 3 (4), 1216-1219, 2016
Plastic deformation properties of Magnesium alloy AZ61
I Hlaváčová, P Palček, M Chalupová, Z Dresslerová
Manufacturing Technology 13 (3), 313-319, 2013
Magnesium alloys based composites
Z Trojanová, Z Száraz, P Palček, M Chalupová
Magnesium alloys-Design, Processing and Properties, 501-526, 2011
Failure of Al-alloy AK 4-1c under creep-fatigue interaction conditions
F Nový, P Palček, M Chalupová
Kovove materialy 43 (6), 447-456, 2005
Surface treatment and corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel biomaterial
M Oravcová, P Palček, V Zatkalíková, T Tański, M Król
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 175 (1), 012009, 2017
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