Matthew Toews
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Detection, localization, and sex classification of faces from arbitrary viewpoints and under occlusion
M Toews, T Arbel
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (9), 1567-1581, 2008
Feature-based morphometry: Discovering group-related anatomical patterns
M Toews, W Wells III, DL Collins, T Arbel
NeuroImage 49 (3), 2318-2327, 2010
Efficient and Robust Model-to-Image Alignment using 3D Scale-Invariant Features
M Toews, WM Wells III
Medical Image Analysis, 2013
Sift-rank: Ordinal description for invariant feature correspondence
M Toews, W Wells
2009 ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 172-177, 2009
Predicting survival time of lung cancer patients using radiomic analysis
A Chaddad, C Desrosiers, M Toews, B Abdulkarim
Oncotarget 8 (61), 104393, 2017
Novel radiomic features based on joint intensity matrices for predicting glioblastoma patient survival time
A Chaddad, P Daniel, C Desrosiers, M Toews, B Abdulkarim
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (2), 795-804, 2018
Classifications of multispectral colorectal cancer tissues using convolution neural network
H Haj-Hassan, A Chaddad, Y Harkouss, C Desrosiers, M Toews, ...
Journal of pathology informatics 8 (1), 1, 2017
Non-rigid registration of 3D ultrasound for neurosurgery using automatic feature detection and matching
I Machado, M Toews, J Luo, P Unadkat, W Essayed, E George, P Teodoro, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 13, 1525-1538, 2018
Multi-scale radiomic analysis of sub-cortical regions in MRI related to autism, gender and age
A Chaddad, C Desrosiers, M Toews
Scientific reports 7 (1), 45639, 2017
A statistical parts-based model of anatomical variability
M Toews, T Arbel
Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 26 (4), 497-508, 2007
Multi texture analysis of colorectal cancer continuum using multispectral imagery
A Chaddad, C Desrosiers, A Bouridane, M Toews, L Hassan, ...
PloS one 11 (2), e0149893, 2016
Fiberprint: A subject fingerprint based on sparse code pooling for white matter fiber analysis
K Kumar, C Desrosiers, K Siddiqi, O Colliot, M Toews
NeuroImage 158, 242-259, 2017
Gender classification from unconstrained video sequences
M Demirkus, M Toews, JJ Clark, T Arbel
2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2010
Robust Initialization of active shape models for lung segmentation in CT scans: a feature‐based atlas approach
G Gill, M Toews, RR Beichel
International journal of biomedical imaging 2014 (1), 479154, 2014
Hybrid MRI‐Ultrasound acquisitions, and scannerless real‐time imaging
F Preiswerk, M Toews, CC Cheng, JG Chiou, CS Mei, LF Schaefer, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 78 (3), 897-908, 2017
Multi-modal brain fingerprinting: A manifold approximation based framework
K Kumar, M Toews, L Chauvin, O Colliot, C Desrosiers
NeuroImage 183, 212-226, 2018
Feature-based Alignment of Volumetric Multi-modal Images
M Toews, L Zöllei, WMW III
Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2013
Deep radiomic analysis based on modeling information flow in convolutional neural networks
A Chaddad, M Toews, C Desrosiers, T Niazi
IEEE Access 7, 97242-97252, 2019
Radiomic analysis of multi-contrast brain MRI for the prediction of survival in patients with glioblastoma multiforme
A Chaddad, C Desrosiers, M Toews
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
A feature-based approach to big data analysis of medical images
M Toews, C Wachinger, RSJ Estepar, WM Wells III
International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 339-350, 2015
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