Timothy E Ford
Timothy E Ford
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Biological responses of a tundra river to fertilization
BJ Peterson, L Deegan, J Helfrich, JE Hobbie, M Hullar, B Moller, TE Ford, ...
Ecology 74 (3), 653-672, 1993
Longitudinal patterns of ecosystem processes and community structure in a subarctic river continuum
RJ Naiman, JM Melillo, MA Lock, TE Ford, SR Reice
Ecology 68 (5), 1139-1156, 1987
Microbiological safety of drinking water: United States and global perspectives.
TE Ford
Environmental Health Perspectives 107 (suppl 1), 191-206, 1999
Biodeterioration of concrete by the fungus Fusarium
JD Gu, TE Ford, NS Berke, R Mitchell
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 41 (2), 101-109, 1998
Transformation of a tundra river from heterotrophy to autotrophy by addition of phosphorus
BJ Peterson, JE Hobbie, AE Hershey, MA Lock, TE Ford, JR Vestal, ...
Science 229 (4720), 1383-1386, 1985
US drinking water challenges in the twenty-first century.
RB Levin, PR Epstein, TE Ford, W Harrington, E Olson, EG Reichard
Environmental Health Perspectives 110 (suppl 1), 43-52, 2002
Multivariate statistical examination of spatial and temporal patterns of heavy metal contamination in New Bedford Harbor marine sediments
JP Shine, RV Ika, TE Ford
Environmental science & technology 29 (7), 1781-1788, 1995
The ecology of microbial corrosion
T Ford, R Mitchell
Advances in microbial ecology, 231-262, 1990
Genetic and molecular ecotoxicology: a research framework
S Anderson, W Sadinski, L Shugart, P Brussard, M Depledge, T Ford, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 102 (suppl 12), 3-8, 1994
Quantifying Nonspecific TEM β-Lactamase (blaTEM) Genes in a Wastewater Stream
KL Lachmayr, LJ Kerkhof, AG DiRienzo, CM Cavanaugh, TE Ford
Applied and environmental microbiology 75 (1), 203-211, 2009
Marine ecosystems.
PR Epstein, TE Ford
The Lancet 342 (8881), 1216-1219, 1993
Rapid assessment of marine pollution using multiple biomarkers and chemical immunoassays
TS Galloway, RC Sanger, KL Smith, G Fillmann, JW Readman, TE Ford, ...
Environmental science & technology 36 (10), 2219-2226, 2002
The role of water use patterns and sewage pollution in incidence of water-borne/enteric diseases along the Ganges River in Varanasi, India
S Hamner, A Tripathi, RK Mishra, N Bouskill, SC Broadaway, BH Pyle, ...
International journal of environmental health research 16 (2), 113-132, 2006
Environmental microbiology
R Mitchell, JD Gu
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Indicators of ocean health and human health: developing a research and monitoring framework.
A Knap, É Dewailly, C Furgal, J Galvin, D Baden, RE Bowen, M Depledge, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 110 (9), 839-845, 2002
Temporal bacterial diversity associated with metal-contaminated river sediments
NJ Bouskill, J Barker-Finkel, TS Galloway, RD Handy, TE Ford
Ecotoxicology 19, 317-328, 2010
Groundwater–surface water relationships in boreal forest watersheds: dissolved organic carbon and inorganic nutrient dynamics
TE Ford, RJ Naiman
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46 (1), 41-49, 1989
Microbiological degradation of polymeric materials
J Gu, T Ford, D Mitton, R Mitchell
Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook 51, 421, 2011
Microbial corrosion of metals
JD Gu, TE Ford, DB Mitton, R Mitchell
The Uhlig Corrosion Handbook. 2nd Edition. New York: Wiley, 915-27, 2000
Using satellite images of environmental changes to predict infectious disease outbreaks
TE Ford, RR Colwell, JB Rose, SS Morse, DJ Rogers, TL Yates
Emerging infectious diseases 15 (9), 1341, 2009
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