Brian Tyler Brooker
Brian Tyler Brooker
Sonstige NamenTyler Brooker, Brian Brooker
Jacobs Technology
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Numerical and experimental analysis of projectile nose geometry
PA Schinetsky, BT Brooker, A Treadway, SM Ölçmen, SE Jones
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 52 (5), 1515-1519, 2015
The Ford Rolling Road Wind Tunnel Facility
P Nagle, T Brooker, G Bari, J Walter, J Toth, S Skinner
SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility 5 …, 2023
The Honda Automotive Laboratories of Ohio Wind Tunnel
S Best, G Bari, T Brooker, G Flynt, J Walter, E Duell
SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility 5 …, 2023
Frequency analysis of oblique shock wave boundary layer interaction
NS Chaganti, BT Brooker, SM Olcmen, P Kolhe
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0988, 2017
Experimental study on the effects of nose geometry on drag over axisymmetric bodies in supersonic flow
BT Brooker
The University of Alabama, 2014
Computational study of subsonic and supersonic acoustic cavity flows using CESE method
GC Cheng, S Olcmen, BS Venkatachari, BT Brooker, SC Chang
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3594, 2018
General Motors Full Scale Wind Tunnel Upgrade
N Tortosa, P Nagle, T Brooker
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
Study of shock wave boundary layer interaction using modal decomposition
NS Chaganti, BT Brooker, SM Olcmen, P Kolhe
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1809, 2018
Flow Characteristics of Axisymmetric Cavity
BT Brooker, NS Chaganti, R Weiner, SM Olcmen
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1475, 2017
A Study on Axisymmetric Cavity Flows in Supersonic Flow
BT Brooker
The University of Alabama, 2017
Three component LDV probe for AFRL-TGF for SWBLI Studies
C DeSio, K Miller, P Schinetsky, NS Chaganti, BT Brooker, JA Tinapple, ...
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0790, 2016
Experimental Study of Axisymmetric Cavities in Supersonic Flow
BT Brooker, N Chaganti, S Olcmen, GC Cheng
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3292, 2018
A study on axisymmetric cavities in supersonic flow
BT Brooker
The University of Alabama Libraries Digital Collections, 2017
Design and Applications of a Sharp Focusing Schlieren System
BT Brooker, C DeSio, A Few, SM Olcmen
52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0548, 2014
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