Carlos R. Paiva
Carlos R. Paiva
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Tecnico - University of Lisbon
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All-optical pulse switching in twin-core fiber couplers with intermodal dispersion
PM Ramos, CR Paiva
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 35 (6), 983-989, 1999
Full-wave analysis of a nonradiative dielectric waveguide with a pseudochiral/spl Omega/-slab
AL Topa, CR Paiva, AM Barbosa
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 46 (9), 1263-1269, 1998
A linear-operator formalism for the analysis of inhomogeneous biisotropic planar waveguides
CR Paiva, AM Barbosa
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 40 (4), 672-678, 1992
Anisotropy without tensors: a novel approach using geometric algebra
SA Matos, MA Ribeiro, CR Paiva
Optics Express 15 (23), 15175-15186, 2007
Self-routing switching of solitonlike pulses in multiple-core nonlinear fiber arrays
PM Ramos, CR Paiva
JOSA B 17 (7), 1125-1133, 2000
Asymmetric band diagrams in photonic crystals with a spontaneous nonreciprocal response
FR Prudêncio, SA Matos, CR Paiva
Physical Review A 91 (6), 063821, 2015
Novel propagation features of double negative H‐guides and H‐guide couplers
AL Topa, CR Paiva, AM Barbosa
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 47 (2), 185-190, 2005
Effect of losses in a layered structure containing DPS and DNG media
JR Canto, SA Matos, CR Paiva, AM Barbosa
Piers Online 4 (5), 546-550, 2008
A method for the analysis of biisotropic planar waveguides-application to a grounded chiroslabguide
CR Paiva, AM Barbosa
Electromagnetics 11 (2), 209-221, 1991
Semileaky waves in dielectric chirowaveguides
CR Paiva, AL Topa, AM Barbosa
Optics letters 17 (23), 1670-1672, 1992
Modified split-step Fourier method for the numerical simulation of soliton amplification in erbium-doped fibers with forward-propagating noise
JR Costa, CR Paiva, AM Barbosa
IEEE journal of Quantum Electronics 37 (1), 145-152, 2001
Influence of intermodal dispersion on the switching of solitons at different wavelengths in twin-core fiber couplers
CR Paiva, AL Topa, AM Barbosa
JOSA B 16 (10), 1636-1641, 1999
A geometrical approach to duality transformations for Tellegen media
FR Prudencio, SA Matos, CR Paiva
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 62 (7), 1417-1428, 2014
Minkowskian isotropic media and the perfect electromagnetic conductor
CR Paiva, SA Matos
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 60 (7), 3231-3245, 2012
Dispersion and losses in surface waveguides containing double negative or chiral metamaterials
JR Canto, C Paiva, A Barbosa
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 116, 409-423, 2011
New biorthogonality relations for inhomogeneous biisotropic planar waveguides
AL Topa, CR Paiva, AM Barbosa
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 42 (4), 629-634, 1994
Electromagnetic wave propagation in chiral H-guides
A Topa, C Paiva, A Barbosa
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 103, 285-303, 2010
Doppler shift from a composition of boosts with Thomas rotation: A spacetime algebra approach
CR Paiva, MA Ribeiro
Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications 20 (7), 941-953, 2006
Guidance and leakage properties of chiral optical fibers
FM Janeiro, CR Paiva, AL Topa
JOSA B 19 (11), 2558-2566, 2002
Exact image method for radiation problems in stratified isorefractive Tellegen media
FR Prudêncio, SA Matos, CR Paiva
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62 (9), 4637-4646, 2014
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