Michele Furlan, PhD
Michele Furlan, PhD
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A representation of changing heading direction in human cortical areas pVIP and CSv
M Furlan, JP Wann, AT Smith
Cerebral Cortex 24 (11), 2848-2858, 2014
Connectivity of the cingulate sulcus visual area (CSv) in the human cerebral cortex
AT Smith, AL Beer, M Furlan, RB Mars
Cerebral cortex 28 (2), 713-725, 2018
Cortical hyperexcitability and sensitivity to discomfort glare
G Bargary, M Furlan, PJ Raynham, JL Barbur, AT Smith
Neuropsychologia 69, 194-200, 2015
Global Motion Processing in Human Visual Cortical Areas V2 and V3
M Furlan, AT Smith
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (27), 7314-7324, 2016
Neural correlates of finger gnosis
E Rusconi, L Tame, M Furlan, P Haggard, G Demarchi, M Adriani, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (27), 9012-9023, 2014
Algorithms for the automated correction of vertical drift in eye-tracking data
JW Carr, VN Pescuma, M Furlan, M Ktori, D Crepaldi
Behavior Research Methods 54 (1), 287-310, 2022
Activity in the human superior colliculus relating to endogenous saccade preparation and execution
M Furlan, AT Smith, R Walker
Journal of neurophysiology 114 (2), 1048-1058, 2015
Decoding rule search domain in the left inferior frontal gyrus
M Furlan, L Babcock, A Vallesi
PloS one 13 (3), e0194054, 2018
An fMRI investigation of preparatory set in the human cerebral cortex and superior colliculus for pro-and anti-saccades
M Furlan, AT Smith, R Walker
PloS one 11 (7), e0158337, 2016
Measuring response saturation in human MT and MST as a function of motion density
S Durant, M Furlan
Journal of Vision 14 (8), 19, 2014
Cortical responses to congruent and incongruent stereo cues for objects on a collision path with the observer
J Billington, M Furlan, J Wann
Displays 34 (2), 114-119, 2013
Visual loss alters multisensory face maps in humans
A Pasqualotto, M Furlan, MJ Proulx, MI Sereno
Brain Structure and Function 223, 3731-3738, 2018
White Matter Connections of the Human Cingulate Sulcus Visual Area (CSv)
M Uesaki, M Furlan, AT Smith, H Takemura
I-PERCEPTION 10, 80-80, 2019
White matter tracts adjacent to the human cingulate sulcus visual area (CSv)
M Uesaki, M Furlan, AT Smith, H Takemura
Plos one 19 (4), e0300575, 2024
Behavioral and Neurophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Responses to Olfactory Volatility in Autism
V Parma, M Furlan, DN Top, K Stephenson, M South
CHEMICAL SENSES 44 (7), E112-E112, 2019
How does the perception of time change after a mild stressful event?
AT Appiani, B Parsons, M Furlan, OT Wolf, D Bueti
Psychoneuroendocrinology 107, 43, 2019
Social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder: a tale of neurodiversity
V Parma, M Furlan, K Stephenson, DN Top, N Hunsaker, ...
CHEMICAL SENSES 44 (3), E7-E7, 2019
Communicating (or not) via Chemosignals? The Case of Autism
V Parma, M Furlan, K Stephenson, DN Top, N Hunsaker, ...
CHEMICAL SENSES 43 (7), E156-E156, 2018
A functional MRI study of the contralateral mapping of activity associated with saccade preparation and execution in the human superior colliculus
M Furlan, AT Smith, R Walker
PERCEPTION 44, 128-128, 2015
Neural Representation of Spectral Densities in IT Cortex
J Stevanov, L Talas, M Furlan, N Scott-Samuel, H Ashida
European Conference on Visual Perception 2015, 2015
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