Filip Klubička
Filip Klubička
Post-doc, Technological University Dublin
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{bs, hr, sr} wac-web corpora of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
N Ljubešić, F Klubička
Proceedings of the 9th web as corpus workshop (WaC-9), 29-35, 2014
New Inflectional Lexicons and Training Corpora for Improved Morphosyntactic Annotation of Croatian and Serbian
N Ljubešić, F Klubička, A Želko, J Ivo-Pavao
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Fine-grained human evaluation of neural versus phrase-based machine translation
F Klubička, A Toral, VM Sánchez-Cartagena
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 108 (1), 121, 2017
Quantitative fine-grained human evaluation of machine translation systems: a case study on English to Croatian
F Klubička, A Toral, VM Sánchez-Cartagena
Machine Translation, 1-21, 2018
Examining a hate speech corpus for hate speech detection and popularity prediction
F Klubička, R Fernández
Proceedings of 4REAL: Workshop on Replicability and Reproducibility of …, 2018
Croatian web corpus hrWaC 2.1
N Ljubešić, F Klubička
Jožef Stefan Institute, 2016
Queer in AI: A case study in community-led participatory AI
OO Queerinai, A Ovalle, A Subramonian, A Singh, C Voelcker, ...
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and …, 2023
Crawl and crowd to bring machine translation to under-resourced languages
A Toral, M Esplá-Gomis, F Klubička, N Ljubešić, V Papavassiliou, ...
Language resources and evaluation 51, 1019-1051, 2017
Language related issues for machine translation between closely related South Slavic languages
M Popović, M Arcan, F Klubička
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties …, 2016
ADAPT at SemEval-2018 Task 9: Skip-Gram Word Embeddings for Unsupervised Hypernym Discovery in Specialised Corpora
A Maldonado, F Klubička
Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 924-927, 2018
Collaborative development of a rule-based machine translator between Croatian and Serbian
F Klubička, G Ramírez‐Sánchez, N Ljubešić
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2016
Comparing two acquisition systems for automatically building an English-Croatian parallel corpus from multilingual websites
M Espla-Gomis, F Klubička, N Ljubešić, S Ortiz-Rojas, V Papavassiliou, ...
Shapley idioms: Analysing BERT sentence embeddings for general idiom token identification
V Nedumpozhimana, F Klubička, JD Kelleher
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 813967, 2022
Training corpus hr500k 1.0
N Ljubešić, Ž Agić, F Klubička, V Batanović, T Erjavec
Jožef Stefan Institute, 2018
Easily accessible language technologies for Slovene, Croatian and Serbian
N Ljubešic, T Erjavec, D Fišer, T Samardzic, M Milicevic, F Klubicka, ...
Proceedings of the Conference on Language Technologies & Digital Humanities …, 2016
Dealing with Data Sparseness in SMT with Factored Models and Morphological Expansion: a Case Study on Croatian
VM Sánchez-Cartagena, N Ljubešić, F Klubička
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2016
Using crowdsourcing in building a morphosyntactically annotated and lemmatized silver standard corpus of Croatian
F Klubička, N Ljubešić
Ninth Language Technologies Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014
Size matters: The impact of training size in taxonomically-enriched word embeddings
A Maldonado, F Klubička, J Kelleher
Open Computer Science 9 (1), 252-267, 2019
The Serbian web corpus srWaC
N Ljubešić, F Klubička
Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2016
Synthetic, yet natural: Properties of wordnet random walk corpora and the impact of rare words on embedding performance
F Klubicka, A Maldonado, A Mahalunkar, JD Kelleher
Technological University Dublin, 2019
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