Ryo Matsuoka
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Zitiert von
Joint sparsity and order optimization based on ADMM with non-uniform group hard thresholding
R Matsuoka, S Kyochi, S Ono, M Okuda
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (5), 1602-1613, 2017
Flash/no-flash image integration using convex optimization
T Baba, R Matsuoka, S Ono, K Shirai, M Okuda
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Transformed-domain robust multiple-exposure blending with huber loss
R Matsuoka, S Ono, M Okuda
IEEE Access 7, 162282-162296, 2019
High dynamic range image acquisition using flash image
R Matsuoka, T Baba, M Okuda, K Shirai
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
White balancing by using multiple images via intrinsic image decomposition
R Matsuoka, T Baba, M Rizkinia, M Okuda
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 98 (8), 1562-1570, 2015
Misaligned image integration with local linear model
T Baba, R Matsuoka, K Shirai, M Okuda
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (5), 2035-2044, 2016
Constrained design of FIR filters with sparse coefficients
R Matsuoka, T Baba, M Okuda
Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference …, 2014
Reflection removal using RGB-D images
T Shibata, Y Akai, R Matsuoka
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1862-1866, 2018
Per-pixel water detection on surfaces with unknown reflectance
C Wang, M Okuyama, R Matsuoka, T Okabe
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 104 (10), 1555-1562, 2021
Reference-based local color distribution transformation method and its application to image integration
R Matsuoka, K Shirai, M Okuda
Signal Processing: Image Communication 76, 231-242, 2019
Weight optimization for multiple image integration
R Matsuoka, T Yamauchi, T Baba, M Okuda
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 795-799, 2013
Multiple exposure integration with image denoising
R Matsuoka, T Jinno, M Okuda
Proceedings of The 2012 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing …, 2012
Tnng: Total nuclear norms of gradients for hyperspectral image prior
R Yuzuriha, R Kurihara, R Matsuoka, M Okuda
Remote Sensing 13 (4), 819, 2021
Fast separation of specular, diffuse, and global components via polarized pattern projection
Y Nisaka, R Matsuoka, T Amano, T Okabe
Frontiers of Computer Vision: 27th International Workshop, IW-FCV 2021 …, 2021
Design of FIR filters with decimated impulse responses
T Yamauchi, R Matsuoka, M Okuda
2013 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2013
Reflection removal using multiple polarized images with different exposure times
T Aizu, R Matsuoka
2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 498-502, 2022
NMF vs. ICA for Light Source Separation under AC Illumination.
R Oya, R Matsuoka, T Okabe
VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP), 460-465, 2020
Weight optimization for multiple image integration and its applications
R Matsuoka, T Yamauchi, T Baba, M Okuda
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 99 (1), 228-235, 2016
Reflectance estimation and white balancing using multiple images
R Matsuoka, T Baba, M Okuda
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 407-411, 2015
制約付きスパース FIR フィルタの設計に関する考察
松岡諒, 馬場達也, 奥田正浩
信学ソ大 (基礎・境界), no. AS-1-7, pp. S–12–S–13, 2014
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