Sébastien Loisel
Sébastien Loisel
Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University
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The optimized Schwarz method with a coarse grid correction
O Dubois, MJ Gander, S Loisel, A St-Cyr, DB Szyld
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (1), A421-A458, 2012
Optimized Schwarz methods with an overset grid for the shallow-water equations: preliminary results
A Qaddouri, L Laayouni, S Loisel, J Côté, MJ Gander
Applied Numerical Mathematics 58 (4), 459-471, 2008
Condition number estimates for the nonoverlapping optimized Schwarz method and the 2-Lagrange multiplier method for general domains and cross points
S Loisel
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (6), 3062-3083, 2013
On the geometric convergence of optimized Schwarz methods with applications to elliptic problems
S Loisel, DB Szyld
Numerische Mathematik 114 (4), 697-728, 2010
An optimal block iterative method and preconditioner for banded matrices with applications to PDEs on irregular domains
MJ Gander, S Loisel, DB Szyld
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 33 (2), 653-680, 2012
Schwarz preconditioners for stochastic elliptic PDEs
W Subber, S Loisel
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 272, 34-57, 2014
Space-time approximation of stochastic -Laplace systems
D Breit, M Hofmanova, S Loisel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.03134, 2019
Partitions of Pearson’s chi-square statistic for frequency tables: A comprehensive account
S Loisel, Y Takane
Computational Statistics 31, 1429-1452, 2016
Comparison of the Dirichlet-Neumann and optimal Schwarz method on the sphere
J Côté, MJ Gander, L Laayouni, S Loisel
Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering, 235-242, 2005
The 2-Lagrange multiplier method applied to nonlinear transmission problems for the Richards equation in heterogeneous soil with cross points
H Berninger, S Loisel, O Sander
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (5), A2166-A2198, 2014
On hybrid multigrid-Schwarz algorithms
S Loisel, R Nabben, DB Szyld
Journal of Scientific Computing 36 (2), 165-175, 2008
Optimized domain decomposition methods for the spherical Laplacian
S Loisel, J Côté, MJ Gander, L Laayouni, A Qaddouri
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 48 (2), 524-551, 2010
Optimized Schwarz and 2-Lagrange multiplier methods for multiscale elliptic PDEs
S Loisel, H Nguyen, R Scheichl
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (6), A2896-A2923, 2015
Efficient algorithms for solving the p-Laplacian in polynomial time
S Loisel
Numerische Mathematik 146 (2), 369-400, 2020
Comparisons among several methods for handling missing data in principal component analysis (PCA)
S Loisel, Y Takane
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 13, 495-518, 2019
Path-following method to determine the field of values of a matrix with high accuracy
S Loisel, P Maxwell
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 39 (4), 1726-1749, 2018
An optimal Schwarz preconditioner for a class of parallel adaptive finite elements
S Loisel, H Nguyen
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 321, 90-107, 2017
The optimised Schwarz method and the two-Lagrange multiplier method for heterogeneous problems in general domains with two general subdomains
N Greer, S Loisel
Numerical Algorithms 69, 737-762, 2015
Generalized GIPSCAL re-revisited: a fast convergent algorithm with acceleration by the minimal polynomial extrapolation
S Loisel, Y Takane
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 5 (1), 57-75, 2011
Sharp condition number estimates for the symmetric 2-lagrange multiplier method
SW Drury, S Loisel
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX, 255-261, 2013
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