Koen Matthijs
Koen Matthijs
Hoogleraar Sociologie, KU Leuven
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Beliefs in conspiracy theories and misinformation about COVID-19: Comparative perspectives on the role of anxiety, depression and exposure to and trust in information sources
D De Coninck, T Frissen, K Matthijs, L d’Haenens, G Lits, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 646394, 2021
The effect of personalization on response rates and data quality in web surveys
D Heerwegh, T Vanhove, K Matthijs, G Loosveldt
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 8 (2), 85-99, 2005
Marriage and children as a key to happiness? Cross-national differences in the effects of marital status and children on well-being
S Vanassche, G Swicegood, K Matthijs
Journal of Happiness Studies 14, 501-524, 2013
Characteristics of joint physical custody families in Flanders
AK Sodermans, K Matthijs, G Swicegood
Demographic research 28, 821-848, 2013
The effects of family type, family relationships and parental role models on delinquency and alcohol use among Flemish adolescents
S Vanassche, AK Sodermans, K Matthijs, G Swicegood
Journal of child and family studies 23, 128-143, 2014
Commuting between two parental households: The association between joint physical custody and adolescent wellbeing following divorce
S Vanassche, AK Sodermans, K Matthijs, G Swicegood
Journal of family Studies 19 (2), 139-158, 2013
Perceived vulnerability to disease and attitudes towards public health measures: COVID-19 in Flanders, Belgium
D De Coninck, L d'Haenens, K Matthijs
Personality and individual differences 166, 110220, 2020
Cuckolded fathers rare in human populations
MHD Larmuseau, K Matthijs, T Wenseleers
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (5), 327-329, 2016
The rise of age homogamy in 19th century Western Europe
B Van de Putte, F Van Poppel, S Vanassche, M Sanchez, S Jidkova, ...
Journal of Marriage and Family 71 (5), 1234-1253, 2009
Family size and intergenerational social mobility during the fertility transition: Evidence of resource dilution from the city of Antwerp in nineteenth century Belgium
J Van Bavel, S Moreels, B Van de Putte, K Matthijs
Demographic Research 24, 313-344, 2011
De mateloze negentiende eeuw: bevolking, huwelijk, gezin en sociale verandering
K Matthijs
Leuven University Press, 2001
Traditional and modern cohabitation in Latin America: A comparative typology
M Covre-Sussai, B Meuleman, S Botterman, K Matthijs
Demographic Research 32, 873-914, 2015
Measuring postdivorce living arrangements: Theoretical and empirical validation of the residential calendar
AK Sodermans, S Vanassche, K Matthijs, G Swicegood
Journal of Family Issues 35 (1), 125-145, 2014
Repartnering and childbearing after divorce: Differences according to parental status and custodial arrangements
S Vanassche, M Corijn, K Matthijs, G Swicegood
Population Research and Policy Review 34, 761-784, 2015
Involved fathers, liberated mothers? Joint physical custody and the subjective well-being of divorced parents
AK Sodermans, S Botterman, N Havermans, K Matthijs
Social Indicators Research 122, 257-277, 2015
Scheiding in vlaanderen
D Mortelmans, I Pasteels, P Bracke, K Matthijs, J Van Bavel, C Van Peer
Acco, 2011
Joint physical custody and adolescents’ subjective well-being: A personality× environment interaction.
AK Sodermans, K Matthijs
Journal of Family Psychology 28 (3), 346, 2014
Alternating residence for children after parental separation: Recent findings from Belgium
S Vanassche, AK Sodermans, C Declerck, K Matthijs
Family Court Review 55 (4), 545-555, 2017
The relationship between media use and public opinion on immigrants and refugees: A Belgian perspective
DD Coninck, K Matthijs, M Debrael, W Joris, RD Cock, L d’Haenens
Communications 43 (3), 403-425, 2018
The Antwerp COR*-database: A unique Flemish source for historical-demographic research
K Matthijs, S Moreels
The history of the family 15 (1), 109-115, 2010
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