George Verghese
George Verghese
Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, MIT
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Principles of power electronics
JG Kassakian, DJ Perreault, GC Verghese, MF Schlecht
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Generalized averaging method for power conversion circuits
SR Sanders, JM Noworolski, XZ Liu, GC Verghese
IEEE Transactions on power Electronics 6 (2), 251-259, 1991
A generalized state-space for singular systems
G Verghese, B Lévy, T Kailath
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 26 (4), 811-831, 1981
Nonlinear phenomena in power electronics
S Banerjee, GC Verghese
IEEE, 1999
Modeling and simulation of power electronic converters
D Maksimovic, AM Stankovic, VJ Thottuvelil, GC Verghese
Proceedings of the IEEE 89 (6), 898-912, 2001
Failure detection and identification
MA Massoumnia, GC Verghese, AS Willsky
IEEE transactions on automatic control 34 (3), 316-321, 1989
Selective modal analysis with applications to electric power systems, Part I: Heuristic introduction
IJ Pérez-Arriaga, GC Verghese, FC Schweppe
ieee transactions on power apparatus and systems, 3117-3125, 1982
Observers for flux estimation in induction machines
GC Verghese, SR Sanders
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 35 (1), 85-94, 1988
A general approach to sampled-data modeling for power electronic circuits
GC Verghese, ME Elbuluk, JG Kassakian
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 76-89, 1986
Optimally robust redundancy relations for failure detection in uncertain systems
XC Lou, AS Willsky, GC Verghese
Automatica 22 (3), 333-344, 1986
Design issues in 2-port network models of bilateral remote manipulation
GJ Raju, GC Verghese, TB Sheridan
Robotics and Automation, 1989. Proceedings., 1989 IEEE International …, 1989
On sensitivities, residues and participations: applications to oscillatory stability analysis and control
FL Pagola, IJ Perez-Arriaga, GC Verghese
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 4 (1), 278-285, 1989
Multifrequency averaging of DC/DC converters
VA Caliskan, OC Verghese, AM Stankovic
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 14 (1), 124-133, 1999
Lyapunov-based control for switched power converters
SR Sanders, GC Verghese
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 7 (1), 17-24, 1992
Selective modal analysis with applications to electric power systems, Part II: The dynamic stability problem
GC Verghese, IJ Perez-Arriaga, FC Schweppe
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 3126-3134, 1982
Combining and updating of local estimates and regional maps along sets of one-dimensional tracks
A Willsky, M Bello, D Castanon, B Levy, G Verghese
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 27 (4), 799-813, 1982
Graph similarity scoring and matching
LA Zager, GC Verghese
Applied mathematics letters 21 (1), 86-94, 2008
Analysis and synthesis of randomized modulation schemes for power converters
AM Stankovic, GE Verghese, DJ Perreault
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 10 (6), 680-693, 1995
Analysis and control design of paralleled DC/DC converters with current sharing
VJ Thottuvelil, GC Verghese
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 13 (4), 635-644, 1998
Phasor dynamics of thyristor-controlled series capacitor systems
P Mattavelli, GC Verghese, AM Stankovic
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 12 (3), 1259-1267, 1997
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