Johann Kelsch
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Zitiert von
Towards a dynamic balance between humans and automation: authority, ability, responsibility and control in shared and cooperative control situations
F Flemisch, M Heesen, T Hesse, J Kelsch, A Schieben, J Beller
Cognition, Technology & Work 14, 3-18, 2012
Automation spectrum, inner/outer compatibility and other potentially useful human factors concepts for assistance and automation
F Flemisch, A Schieben, J Kelsch, C Löper
Human Factors for assistance and automation, 2008
Cooperative control and active interfaces for vehicle assitsance and automation
F Flemisch, J Kelsch, C Löper, A Schieben, J Schindler, M Heesen
The theater-system technique: Agile designing and testing of system behavior and interaction, applied to highly automated vehicles
A Schieben, M Heesen, J Schindler, J Kelsch, F Flemisch
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Automotive User …, 2009
Towards an H-Mode for highly automated vehicles: Driving with side sticks
M Kienle, D Damböck, J Kelsch, F Flemisch, K Bengler
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on automotive user …, 2009
Investigation of cooperative driving behaviour during lane change in a multi-driver simulation environment
M Heesen, M Baumann, J Kelsch, D Nause, M Friedrich
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Europe Chapter Conference …, 2012
Kooperative, manöverbasierte Automation und Arbitrierung als Bausteine für hochautomatisiertes Fahren
C Löper, J Kelsch, FO Flemisch
Gesamtzentrum für Verkehr Braunschweig eV, 2008
Interaction design of automatic steering for collision avoidance: challenges and potentials of driver decoupling
M Heesen, M Dziennus, T Hesse, A Schieben, C Brunken, C Löper, ...
IET intelligent transport systems 9 (1), 95-104, 2015
Links oder rechts, schneller oder langsamer? Grundlegende Fragestellungen beim Cognitive Systems Engineering von hochautomatisierter Fahrzeugführung
J Kelsch, F Flemisch, C Löper, A Schieben, J Schindler
Modular and scalable driving simulator hardware and software for the development of future driver assistence and automation systems
M Fischer, A Richter, J Schindler, J Plättner, G Temme, J Kelsch, ...
New Developments in Driving Simulation Design and Experiments, 223-229, 2014
Ambient light based interaction concept for an integrative driver assistance system–a driving simulator study
M Dziennus, J Kelsch, A Schieben
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe, 171-182, 2016
Shared and cooperative movement control of intelligent technical systems: Sketch of the design space of haptic-multimodal coupling between operator, co-automation, base system …
F Flemisch, M Heesen, J Kelsch, J Schindler, C Preusche, J Dittrich
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (13), 304-309, 2010
Stücke des Puzzles hochautomatisiertes Fahren: H-Metapher und H-Mode, Zwischenbericht 2006
FO Flemisch, J Kelsch, A Schieben, J Schindler
Freundeskreis Mess-und Regelungstechnik Karlsruhe eV, 2006
Haptisches feedback im spektrum von fahrerassistenz und automation
A Schieben, D Damböck, J Kelsch, H Rausch, F Flemisch
3. Tagung Aktive Sicherheit durch Fahrerassistenz, 2008
Some bridging methods towards a balanced design of human-machine systems, applied to highly automated vehicles
F Flemisch, J Schindler, J Kelsch, A Schieben, D Damböck
Haptisch-multimodale Interaktion für hochautomatisierte, kooperative Fahrzeugführung bei Fahrstreifenwechsel-, Brems-und Ausweichmanövern
M Heesen, J Kelsch, C Löper, F Flemisch
Arbitration based framework for design of holistic multimodal human-machine interaction
J Kelsch, G Temme, J Schindler
Beiträge zur AAET 2013, 326-346, 2013
Prospective engineering of vehicle automation with design metaphors: Intermediate report from the h-mode projects
FO Flemisch, J Kelsch, A Schieben, J Schindler, C Löper, J Schomerus
Zentrum Mensch-Maschine-Systeme (Hg.) 7, 2007
Knowledge augmented machine learning with applications in autonomous driving: A survey
J Wörmann, D Bogdoll, C Brunner, E Bührle, H Chen, EF Chuo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.04712, 2022
Cooperative Lane Change Assistant: Background, Implementation & Evaluation.
J Kelsch, M Dziennus, F Köster
AAET 2015, 65-85, 2015
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