Nathan Brooks
Nathan Brooks
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Scheduling operator attention for multi-robot control
SY Chien, M Lewis, S Mehrotra, N Brooks, K Sycara
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
Scalable target detection for large robot teams
H Wang, A Kolling, N Brooks, S Owens, S Abedin, P Scerri, P Lee, ...
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction …, 2011
Interacting with team oriented plans in multi-robot systems
A Farinelli, MM Raeissi, N Marchi, N Brooks, P Scerri
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 31, 332-361, 2017
Best of both worlds: Design and evaluation of an adaptive delegation interface
E de Visser, B Kidwell, J Payne, L Lu, J Parker, N Brooks, T Chabuk, ...
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
Allocating spatially distributed tasks in large, dynamic robot teams
S Okamoto, N Brooks, S Owens, K Sycara, P Scerri
The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2011
Focused Exploration for Cooperative Robotic Watercraft.
A Jeradi, MM Raeissi, A Farinelli, N Brooks, P Scerri
AIRO@ AI* IA, 83-93, 2015
Asynchronous control with ATR for large robot teams
N Brooks, P Scerri, K Sycara, H Wang, SY Chien, M Lewis
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 55 (1 …, 2011
A mechanism for smoothly handling human interrupts in team oriented plans
A Farinelli, N Marchi, MM Raeissi, N Brooks, P Scerri
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2015
A balking queue approach for modeling human-multi-robot interaction for water monitoring
MM Raeissi, N Brooks, A Farinelli
PRIMA 2017: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 20th …, 2017
Task switching for supervisory control of multi-robot teams
SY Chien, M Lewis, S Mehrotra, S Han, N Brooks, H Wang, K Sycara
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2016
Synchronous vs. asynchronous control for large robot teams
H Wang, A Kolling, N Brooks, M Lewis, K Sycara
Virtual and Mixed Reality-Systems and Applications: International Conference …, 2011
An approach to team programming with markup for operator interaction.
N Brooks, E de Visser, T Chabuk, E Freedy, P Scerri
AAMAS, 1133-1134, 2013
SUAVE Integrating UAV Video Using a 3D Model
S Abedin, M Lewis, N Brooks, S Owens, P Scerri, K Sycara
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 55 (1 …, 2011
Augmenting LSPIV Surface Current Measurement with Drifting ASVs
C Tomaszewski, P Scerri, J Dolan
2018 OCEANS-MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO), 1-6, 2018
Crisis in the Gulf. Post traumatic stress disorder explained
N Brooks, B McKinley
Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain): 1987) 5 (19), 50-51, 1991
Simple UAV Environment (SUAVE): A viewpoint motion control evaluation
S Abedin, M Lewis, N Brooks, P Scerri, K Sycara
2012 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, 124-128, 2012
Asynchronous Displays for multi-UV Search Tasks
M Lewis, H Wang, A Kolling, K Sycara, N Brooks, P Scerri
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012
A Mechanism for Smoothly Handling Human Interrupts in Team Oriented Plans
MM Raeissi, N Brooks, P Scerri
Publication Submission Form
T Malisiewicz, A Shrivastava, A Gupta, AA Efros, BJ King, CV Stewart, ...
Journal Article 30 (6), 2011
Scalable Target Detection for Large Robot Teams
N Brooks
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, 2011
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