Joo H. Kim
Joo H. Kim
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, New York University
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Predictive dynamics: an optimization-based novel approach for human motion simulation
Y Xiang, HJ Chung, JH Kim, R Bhatt, S Rahmatalla, J Yang, T Marler, ...
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 41, 465-479, 2010
Quantifying dynamic characteristics of human walking for comprehensive gait cycle
C Mummolo, L Mangialardi, JH Kim
Journal of biomechanical engineering 135 (9), 091006, 2013
A new digital human environment and assessment of vehicle interior design
J Yang, JH Kim, K Abdel-Malek, T Marler, S Beck, GR Kopp
Computer-Aided Design 39 (7), 548-558, 2007
Prediction and analysis of human motion dynamics performing various tasks
JH Kim, K Abdel-Malek, J Yang, RT Marler
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 1 (1), 69-94, 2006
System and methods for digital human model prediction and simulation
J Arora, K Abdel-Malek, Y Xiang, JH Kim, S Beck, RT Marler, R Bhatt
US Patent App. 12/456,239, 2010
Stability of mina v2 for robot-assisted balance and locomotion
C Mummolo, WZ Peng, S Agarwal, R Griffin, PD Neuhaus, JH Kim
Frontiers in neurorobotics 12, 62, 2018
Real-time optimal reach-posture prediction in a new interactive virtual environment
J Yang, RT Marler, S Beck, K Abdel-Malek, J Kim
Journal of Computer Science and technology 21, 189-198, 2006
Development of the Virtual-Human SantosTM
K Abdel-Malek, J Yang, JH Kim, T Marler, S Beck, C Swan, L Frey-Law, ...
Digital Human Modeling: First International Conference on Digital Human …, 2007
Generating effective whole-body motions of a human-like mechanism with efficient ZMP formulation
JH Kim, Y Xiang, RM Bhatt, J Yang, HJ Chung, JS Arora, K Abdel-Malek
International Journal of Robotics & Automation 24 (2), 125, 2009
On the placement of open-loop robotic manipulators for reachability
JJ Yang, W Yu, J Kim, K Abdel-Malek
Mechanism and Machine Theory 44 (4), 671-684, 2009
Passive and dynamic gait measures for biped mechanism: formulation and simulation analysis
C Mummolo, JH Kim
Robotica 31 (4), 555-572, 2013
Optimization of throwing motion planning for whole-body humanoid mechanism: Sidearm and maximum distance
JH Kim
Mechanism and Machine Theory 46 (4), 438-453, 2011
Numerical estimation of balanced and falling states for constrained legged systems
C Mummolo, L Mangialardi, JH Kim
Journal of Nonlinear Science 27, 1291-1323, 2017
Dynamic motion planning of overarm throw for a biped human multibody system
JH Kim, Y Xiang, J Yang, JS Arora, K Abdel-Malek
Multibody System Dynamics 24, 1-24, 2010
Review of biomechanical models for human shoulder complex
J Yang, X Feng, JH Kim, S Rajulu
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 1 (3), 271-293, 2010
Contact-dependent balance stability of biped robots
C Mummolo, WZ Peng, C Gonzalez, JH Kim
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 10 (2), 021009, 2018
A novel formulation for determining joint constraint loads during optimal dynamic motion of redundant manipulators in DH representation
JH Kim, J Yang, K Abdel-Malek
Multibody System Dynamics 19, 427-451, 2008
Vision performance measures for optimization-based posture prediction
T Marler, K Farrell, J Kim, S Rahmatalla, K Abdel-Malek
SAE Technical Paper, 2006
Posture prediction and force/torque analysis for human hands
J Yang, EP Pitarch, J Kim, K Abdel-Malek
SAE Technical Paper, 2006
The potential of accelerometers in the evaluation of stability of total knee arthroplasty
H Khan, PS Walker, JD Zuckerman, J Slover, F Jaffe, RJ Karia, JH Kim
The Journal of arthroplasty 28 (3), 459-462, 2013
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