Eisa Maroufpoor
Eisa Maroufpoor
Department of Water Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kurdistan
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Prediction of water quality parameters of Karoon River (Iran) by artificial intelligence-based models
S Emamgholizadeh, H Kashi, I Marofpoor, E Zalaghi
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11, 645-656, 2014
Temperature-based modeling of reference evapotranspiration using several artificial intelligence models: application of different modeling scenarios
H Sanikhani, O Kisi, E Maroufpoor, ZM Yaseen
Theoretical and applied climatology 135, 449-462, 2019
Soil moisture simulation using hybrid artificial intelligent model: Hybridization of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system with grey wolf optimizer algorithm
S Maroufpoor, E Maroufpoor, O Bozorg-Haddad, J Shiri, ZM Yaseen
Journal of Hydrology 575, 544-556, 2019
Reference evapotranspiration estimating based on optimal input combination and hybrid artificial intelligent model: Hybridization of artificial neural network with grey wolf …
S Maroufpoor, O Bozorg-Haddad, E Maroufpoor
Journal of Hydrology 588, 125060, 2020
Artificial intelligence approach to estimate discharge of drip tape irrigation based on temperature and pressure
A Seyedzadeh, S Maroufpoor, E Maroufpoor, J Shiri, O Bozorg-Haddad, ...
Agricultural Water Management 228, 105905, 2020
Evaluation of uniformity coefficients for sprinkler irrigation systems under different field conditions in Kurdistan Province (northwest of Iran).
E Maroufpoor, A Faryabi, H Ghamarnia, GY Moshrefi
Estimation of soil dispersivity using soft computing approaches
S Emamgholizadeh, K Bahman, SM Bateni, H Ghorbani, I Marofpoor, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 207-216, 2017
Modeling the sprinkler water distribution uniformity by data-driven methods based on effective variables
S Maroufpoor, J Shiri, E Maroufpoor
Agricultural water management 215, 63-73, 2019
Estimation of Wind drift and evaporation losses from sprinkler irrigation systems by different data‐driven methods
E Maroufpoor, H Sanikhani, S Emamgholizadeh, Ö Kişi
Irrigation and drainage 67 (2), 222-232, 2018
Optimal virtual water flows for improved food security in water-scarce countries
S Maroufpoor, O Bozorg-Haddad, E Maroufpoor, PW Gerbens-Leenes, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 21027, 2021
Modeling groundwater quality by using hybrid intelligent and geostatistical methods
S Maroufpoor, M Jalali, S Nikmehr, N Shiri, J Shiri, E Maroufpoor
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 28183-28197, 2020
Modeling moisture bulb distribution on sloping lands: Numerical and regression-based approaches
S Solat, F Alinazari, E Maroufpoor, J Shiri, B Karimi
Journal of Hydrology 601, 126835, 2021
Development of an analytical method for estimating Manning’s coefficient of roughness for border irrigation
A Seyedzadeh, A Panahi, E Maroufpoor, VP Singh
Irrigation Science 37, 523-531, 2019
Developing a novel method for estimating parameters of Kostiakov–Lewis infiltration equation
A Seyedzadeh, A Panahi, E Maroufpoor, VP Singh, B Maheshwari
Irrigation Science 38, 189-198, 2020
A novel hybridized neuro-fuzzy model with an optimal input combination for dissolved oxygen estimation
S Maroufpoor, SS Sammen, N Alansari, SI Abba, A Malik, S Shahid, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 929707, 2022
Impact of soil texture on the calibration of TDR for water content measurement
E Maroufpoor, S Emamgholizadeh, H Torabi, M Behzadinasab
Journal of Applied Sciences 16 (9), 2933-2940, 2009
A new analytical method for derivation of infiltration parameters
A Seyedzadeh, A Panahi, E Maroufpoor
Irrigation Science 38, 449-460, 2020
Irrigation management evaluation of multiple irrigation methods using performance indicators
A Seyedzadeh, P Khazaee, A Siosemardeh, E Maroufpoor
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 28 (3), 303-312, 2022
Effect of farmers’ management on movable sprinkler solid-set systems
S Maroufpoor, E Maroufpoor, M Khaledi
Agricultural Water Management 223, 105691, 2019
Estimation of the organic carbon content by the pattern recognition method
S Emamgholizadeh, F Esmaeilbeiki, M Babak, D Zarehaghi, ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 49 (17), 2143-2154, 2018
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