Tobias Widmer
Tobias Widmer
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Predicting automotive sales using pre-purchase online search data
P Wachter, T Widmer, A Klein
2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2019
Predicting material requirements in the automotive industry using data mining
T Widmer, A Klein, P Wachter, S Meyl
Business Information Systems: 22nd International Conference, BIS 2019 …, 2019
Distributed knowledge sharing for patient guidance eHealth services
T Widmer, M Premm, M Schuele, J Murray, P Karaenke
Energy-aware service allocation for cloud computing
T Widmer, M Premm, P Karaenke
Improving knowledge provision for shared decision making in patient-physician relationships-A multiagent organizational approach
M Schuele, T Widmer, M Premm, M Criegee-Rieck, N Wickramasinghe
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 646-655, 2014
Sourcing strategies for energy-efficient virtual organisations in cloud computing
T Widmer, M Premm, P Karaenke
2013 IEEE 15th Conference on Business Informatics, 159-166, 2013
Efficiency of electronic service allocation with privately known quality
T Widmer, J Leukel
European Journal of Operational Research 255 (3), 856-868, 2016
Using a multiagent organizational approach to improve knowledge provision for shared decision making in patient-physician relationships: an example from Germany
M Schuele, T Widmer, M Premm, M Criegee-Rieck, N Wickramasinghe
Health and Technology 5, 13-23, 2015
Agent-based decision support for allocating caregiving resources in a dementia scenario
T Widmer, M Premm
Multiagent System Technologies: 13th German Conference, MATES 2015, Cottbus …, 2015
Bid-price control for the formation of multiagent organisations
M Premm, T Widmer, P Karänke
German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, 138-151, 2013
Towards a Research Framework for Multiagent Organizations
S Kirn, J Murray, M Premm, M Schüle, T Widmer
Theory and Practice for System Services Provider in Complex Value and …, 2013
Two‐sided service markets: Effects of quality differentiation on market efficiency
T Widmer, P Karaenke, V Sugumaran
Managerial and Decision Economics 42 (3), 588-604, 2021
Electronic service matching: Failure of incentive compatibility in Vickrey auctions
T Widmer, J Leukel
Operations Research Letters 46 (3), 318-323, 2018
A formalization of multiagent organizations in business information systems
T Widmer, M Premm, S Kirn
Business Information Systems: 19th International Conference, BIS 2016 …, 2016
Agent-based process coordination among hospital units.
J Murray, T Widmer, S Kirn
MKWI, 763-774, 2014
PREsTiGE‐Privacy‐erhaltende Methoden und Werkzeuge für Cloud‐basierte Geschäftsprozesse Teilvorhaben: Methoden für die Konfiguration Privacy‐erhaltender, Cloud‐basierter …
J Leukel, T Widmer
Electronic service allocation with private quality information
T Widmer
Verbundprojekt MIGRATE!: Teilvorhaben: Cloud-basierte energieoptimierte Anwenderinfrastrukturen und Geschäftsmodelle: Schlussbericht
J Leukel, M Premm, T Widmer
Universität Hohenheim, Forschungszentrum FZID, 2015
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