Roberto González
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Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Beyond the ‘East-West’ dichotomy: Global variation in cultural models of selfhood
VL Vignoles, E Owe, M Becker, PB Smith, M Easterbrook, R Brown, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 0
Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world
PG Bain, TL Milfont, Y Kashima, M Bilewicz, G Doron, RB Garðarsdóttir, ...
Nature climate change 6 (2), 154-157, 2016
Nuestra culpa: collective guilt and shame as predictors of reparation for historical wrongdoing.
R Brown, R González, H Zagefka, J Manzi, S Čehajić
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (1), 75, 2008
On positive psychological outcomes: What helps groups with a history of conflict to forgive and reconcile with each other?
M Noor, R Brown, R Gonzalez, J Manzi, CA Lewis
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (6), 819-832, 2008
Generalization of positive attitude as a function of subgroup and superordinate group identifications in intergroup contact
R González, R Brown
European Journal of Social Psychology 33 (2), 195-214, 2003
What makes a group worth dying for? Identity fusion fosters perception of familial ties, promoting self-sacrifice.
WB Swann Jr, MD Buhrmester, A Gómez, J Jetten, B Bastian, A Vázquez, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (6), 912, 2014
Nations’ income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: How societies mind the gap
F Durante, ST Fiske, N Kervyn, AJC Cuddy, AD Akande, BE Adetoun, ...
Social Cognition, 246-268, 2018
What do I care? Perceived ingroup responsibility and dehumanization as predictors of empathy felt for the victim group
S Čehajić, R Brown, R González
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12 (6), 715-729, 2009
Pancultural nostalgia: prototypical conceptions across cultures.
EG Hepper, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, TD Ritchie, YF Yung, N Hansen, ...
Emotion 14 (4), 733, 2014
Dual identities in intergroup contact: Group status and size moderate the generalization of positive attitude change
R González, R Brown
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (6), 753-767, 2006
Emergent social identity and observing social support predict social support provided by survivors in a disaster: Solidarity in the 2010 Chile earthquake
J Drury, R Brown, R González, D Miranda
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (2), 209-223, 2016
La evaluación docente en Chile
J Manzi, R González, Y Sun, R Bonifaz, MP Flotts, A Abarzúa, P Calderón, ...
MIDE UC, 2011
On the relation between social class and prejudice: The roles of education, income, and ideological attitudes
H Carvacho, A Zick, A Haye, R González, J Manzi, C Kocik, M Bertl
European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (4), 272-285, 2013
Culture and the distinctiveness motive: constructing identity in individualistic and collectivistic contexts.
M Becker, VL Vignoles, E Owe, R Brown, PB Smith, M Easterbrook, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (4), 833, 2012
Understanding the social licence to operate of mining at the national scale: a comparative study of Australia, China and Chile
A Zhang, K Moffat, J Lacey, J Wang, R González, K Uribe, L Cui, Y Dai
Journal of Cleaner Production 108, 1063-1072, 2015
“Our country needs a strong leader right now”: Economic inequality enhances the wish for a strong leader
S Sprong, J Jetten, Z Wang, K Peters, F Mols, M Verkuyten, B Bastian, ...
Psychological science 30 (11), 1625-1637, 2019
Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
R Van Dick, JE Lemoine, NK Steffens, R Kerschreiter, SA Akfirat, L Avanzi, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (4), 697-728, 2018
A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change
T Hässler, J Ullrich, M Bernardino, N Shnabel, CV Laar, D Valdenegro, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (4), 380-386, 2020
Revisiting the measurement of anomie
A Teymoori, J Jetten, B Bastian, A Ariyanto, F Autin, N Ayub, C Badea, ...
PloS one 11 (7), e0158370, 2016
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