Jesse Sharp
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Quantitative analysis of tumour spheroid structure
AP Browning, JA Sharp, RJ Murphy, G Gunasingh, B Lawson, K Burrage, ...
Elife 10, e73020, 2021
Optimal control of acute myeloid leukaemia
JA Sharp, AP Browning, T Mapder, K Burrage, MJ Simpson
Journal of theoretical biology 470, 30-42, 2019
Implementation and acceleration of optimal control in systems biology
JA Sharp, K Burrage, MJ Simpson
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (181), 2021
Survival probability for a diffusive process on a growing domain
MJ Simpson, JA Sharp, RE Baker
Physical Review E 91 (4), 042701, 2015
Distinguishing between mean-field, moment dynamics and stochastic descriptions of birth–death–movement processes
MJ Simpson, JA Sharp, RE Baker
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 395, 236-246, 2014
Designing combination therapies using multiple optimal controls
JA Sharp, AP Browning, T Mapder, CM Baker, K Burrage, MJ Simpson
Journal of Theoretical Biology 497, 110277, 2020
Persistence as an optimal hedging strategy
AP Browning, JA Sharp, T Mapder, CM Baker, K Burrage, MJ Simpson
Biophysical Journal 120 (1), 133-142, 2021
Exact solutions of coupled multispecies linear reaction–diffusion equations on a uniformly growing domain
MJ Simpson, JA Sharp, LC Morrow, RE Baker
PloS one 10 (9), e0138894, 2015
Parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification using information geometry
JA Sharp, AP Browning, K Burrage, MJ Simpson
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (189), 20210940, 2022
Modelling effort levels in a sequential fishery
SD Pascoe, JA Sharp, RC Buckworth
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (2), 503-511, 2016
Persistence is an optimal hedging strategy for bacteria in volatile environments
AP Browning, JA Sharp, T Mapder, CM Baker, K Burrage, MJ Simpson
bioRxiv, 2019
Mathematical modelling and uncertainty quantification for analysis of biphasic coral reef recovery patterns
DJ Warne, K Crossman, GEM Heron, JA Sharp, W Jin, PPY Wu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19591, 2024
Numerical methods for optimal control and parameter estimation in the life sciences
JA Sharp
Queensland University of Technology, 2022
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