Christian Wengert
Christian Wengert
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Apparel classification with style
L Bossard, M Dantone, C Leistner, C Wengert, T Quack, L Van Gool
Computer Vision–ACCV 2012: 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Daejeon …, 2013
Smoke-Free Cigarette
C Wengert, T Philipp
US Patent App. 11/996,399, 2008
Bag-of-colors for improved image search
C Wengert, M Douze, H Jégou
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1437-1440, 2011
Query adaptive similarity for large scale object retrieval
D Qin, C Wengert, L Van Gool
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
Fully automatic endoscope calibration for intraoperative use
C Wengert, M Reeff, PC Cattin, G Székely
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006: Algorithmen Systeme Anwendungen …, 2006
Markerless endoscopic registration and referencing
C Wengert, PC Cattin, JM Duff, C Baur, G Székely
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2006: 9th …, 2006
Endoscopic navigation for minimally invasive suturing
C Wengert, L Bossard, A Häberling, C Baur, G Székely, PC Cattin
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2007: 10th …, 2007
Camera-marker alignment framework and comparison with hand-eye calibration for augmented reality applications
G Bianchi, CWM Harders, P Cattin, G Székely
Fourth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality …, 2005
Frame based video matching
A Winter, C Wengert, S Dolle, F Jahard
US Patent App. 12/460,903, 2010
Endoscopic navigation for minimally invasive suturing
C Wengert, L Bossard, C Baur, G Székely, PC Cattin
Computer Aided Surgery 13 (5), 299-310, 2008
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
C Wengert, M Reeff, PC Cattin, G Székely
Springer, 2006
Human-oriented tracking for human-robot interaction
C Wengert, T Fong, S Grange, C Baur
Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces, 2002
Human Oriented Tracking and Mobile Robot Gesture Driving
B Poell, C Wengert
Method and apparatus for obtaining a symmetry invariant descriptor from a visual patch of an image
A Massoudi, S Dolle, A Winter, F Jahard, P Moulon, C Wengert
US Patent 9,251,432, 2016
Fiducial-free endoscopic vertebra referencing
C Wengert, JM Duff, C Baur, G Székely, PC Cattin
International Meeting for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS 2007), 2007
Human oriented tracking and mobile robot gesture driving
C Wengert, B Poell, S Grange, T Fong, R Siegwart
Technical report, Virtual Reality and Active Interfaces Group (VRAI), Swiss …, 2002
Kooaba interactive posters
C Wengert, T Jaeggli, P Messmer, T Quack, P Cech, C Prodan, ...
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 755-756, 2011
Lighter for heating up a smokeless cigarette
T Philipp, C Wengert
US Patent App. 12/281,475, 2009
Quantitative endoscopy
C Wengert
Selected readings in vision and graphics 50, 2008
Intraoperative Guidance Using 3D Scene Reconstruction from Endoscopic Images
C Wengert, G Székely
Intraoperative Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy, 421-438, 2014
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