Philipp Schönle
Philipp Schönle
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A versatile embedded platform for EMG acquisition and gesture recognition
S Benatti, F Casamassima, B Milosevic, E Farella, P Schönle, S Fateh, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 9 (5), 620-630, 2015
Wireless closed-loop optogenetics across the entire dorsoventral spinal cord in mice
C Kathe, F Michoud, P Schönle, A Rowald, N Brun, J Ravier, I Furfaro, ...
Nature biotechnology 40 (2), 198-208, 2022
A multi-sensor and parallel processing SoC for miniaturized medical instrumentation
P Schönle, F Glaser, T Burger, G Rovere, L Benini, Q Huang
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 53 (7), 2076-2087, 2018
A reconfigurable 5-to-14 bit SAR ADC for battery-powered medical instrumentation
S Fateh, P Schönle, L Bettini, G Rovere, L Benini, Q Huang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 62 (11), 2685-2694, 2015
Epineural optogenetic activation of nociceptors initiates and amplifies inflammation
F Michoud, C Seehus, P Schönle, N Brun, D Taub, Z Zhang, A Jain, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (2), 179-185, 2021
A sub-10mW real-time implementation for EMG hand gesture recognition based on a multi-core biomedical SoC
S Benatti, G Rovere, J Bösser, F Montagna, E Farella, H Glaser, ...
2017 7th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces …, 2017
EMG-based hand gesture recognition with flexible analog front end
S Benatti, B Milosevic, F Casamassima, P Schönle, P Bunjaku, S Fateh, ...
2014 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) Proceedings, 57-60, 2014
A DC-connectable multi-channel biomedical data acquisition ASIC with mains frequency cancellation
P Schönle, F Schulthess, S Fateh, R Ulrich, F Huang, T Burger, Q Huang
2013 Proceedings of the ESSCIRC (ESSCIRC), 149-152, 2013
A multi-sensor and parallel processing SoC for wearable and implantable telemetry systems
P Schonle, G Rovere, F Glaser, J Bosser, N Brun, X Han, T Burger, ...
ESSCIRC 2017-43rd IEEE European Solid State Circuits Conference, 215-218, 2017
A power-efficient multi-channel PPG ASIC with 112dB receiver DR for pulse oximetry and NIRS
P Schönle, S Fateh, T Burger, Q Huang
2017 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 1-4, 2017
Multiple biopotentials acquisition system for wearable applications
S Benatti, B Milosevic, M Tomasini, E Farella, P Schoenle, P Bunjaku, ...
Special Session on Smart Medical Devices-From Lab to Clinical Practice 2 …, 2015
A Power-Efficient Fractional-N DPLL With Phase Error Quantized in Fully Differential-Voltage Domain
L Wu, T Burger, P Schönle, Q Huang
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 56 (4), 1254-1264, 2021
A Power Efficient Spectrophotometry & PPG Integrated Circuit for Mobile Medical Instruments
PC Schönle
ETH Zurich, 2017
Towards an implantable telemetry system for SpO2and PWV measurement in small animals
P Schonle, Q Wang, N Brun, J Bosser, P Meier, Q Huang
2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 1-4, 2017
A wireless system with stimulation and recording capabilities for interfacing peripheral nerves in rodents
P Schönle, F Michoud, N Brun, A Guex, SP Lacour, Q Wang, Q Huang
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
An EOG-based, head-mounted eye tracker with 1 kHz sampling rate
DJ Mack, P Schönle, S Fateh, T Burger, Q Huang, U Schwarz
2015 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 1-4, 2015
A wide tuning-range ADFLL for mW-SoCs with dithering-enhanced accuracy in 65 nm CMOS
D Bellasi, P Schönle, Q Huang, L Benini
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-4, 2017
A 3.3-GHz 101fsrms-Jitter,− 250.3 dB FOM Fractional-N DPLL with Phase Error Detection Accomplished in Fully Differential Voltage Domain
L Wu, T Burger, P Schönle, Q Huang
2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, 1-2, 2020
Modular multi-sensor platform for portable and wireless medical instrumentation
P Schönle, P Bunjaku, S Fateh, Q Huang
2014 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) Proceedings …, 2014
Towards a mobile health platform with parallel processing and multi-sensor capabilities
F Glaser, P Schönle, P Meier, J Bösser, N Brun, T Burger, S Fateh, ...
Digital System Design (DSD), 2017 Euromicro Conference on, 462-469, 2017
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